Monday, April 5, 2010

What Will You Do, With Him?

The sky was dark and gloomy; the sun had gone away,
I walked the crooked path leading to my death,
Only now at the end did I find its bitter sting.
Its mouth opened wide to the gates of Hell.
Now as I slip ever closer to the pit awaiting me
Does its true and hideous form appear.
The smoke so thick it takes my breath away,
The flames so hot they burn my skin.
I struggle to get away, but cannot break free.
Why did I run to it, and not turn back to Thee?
I heard the warnings ring,
But surely they did not apply to me.
I listened only to my own heart
Black and black could be
Lost without a light, not know I was blind.
Why go to church it’s full of hypocrites?
I said, “I know best, I know right.”
They are only little sins, hardly worth the mention.
I told myself they hurt only me, and not others.
No harm in indulging myself, after all I was worth it.
What harm was there for me to try to be like God?
Surely, I was the master of my own fate,
There could be no harm in my works.
Works are good. Are they not?
It is not as if I am not better than my neighbor is.
His sins are large as timbers and mine a mere speck.
I could never do what God asked, it would cost too much
And someone might see me and think me less than perfect.
So I let my heart believe its own lies.
I felt Your gentle pull on my heart,
I turn a deaf ear to Your word.
I rejected those who tried to witness
And tell me of Your undying love.
I will deal with it someday, When I have nothing else to do.
I will deal with it sometime, When I have nothing else to lose.

I dreamed I stood before my Judge and Maker.
My time now up, my last chance gone.
Trembling in fear and shame, I fell down.
For now I saw what holiness is.
I saw my heart for the filthy vile container it is.
Now I know what justice demands.
I have been found lacking, having missed my mark
My balance now due, the cost my life, now forfeited.
Oh, how could I have been so blind?
He took my place, He took my cross,
He took my nails, He took my crown.
My debt was paid, but I would not take the gift.
He offered me life eternal and abundant
And love that stretches beyond time itself,
When he opened up his arms wide and died for me.
He offered me healing and forgiveness.
He offered me a mansion on streets paved with gold.
He offered me sweet, sweet fellowship at his feet.
Yet I had turned the other way, and said not good enough.

When I awoke I fell upon my face, For it was not too late for me.
The shouts of a thousand angels filled the sky,
For one more pitiful sinner had turn back home.
The light so pure, cleaned and washed my sin away
And made my soul white with His righteousness.
Joy, Peace, Mercy, Forgiveness flooded deep within my soul.
Healed all my pain and dried away my tears.
Now I cry only bring me closer to Thee, do not let me leave You.
Make me your image; mold me to Your likeness.
Glory, Honor, and all praise be unto Him who rescued me
And saved me for His own.
My love, my heart, and my soul yours, forever grateful.
May I never take my eyes off You, may I never disappoint You.
May I never fail to tell others what You have done for me
And what You will do for them.
For there is none like You. You who give so much and ask so little.
You are beautiful, awesome, powerful, true, never changing.
Your way is best, Your path straight, Your yoke easy.
You have loved me before my first breath, You bring only blessings to me.
Why did I wait so long? What did I fear? I do not know.
What is your excuse? Will you choose before it is too late?
Or will you only bow your knee when all choice is gone?
What greater pain could there be than to know what could have been?
To never feel those loving arms or look into the Father’s eyes?
I will never regret my choice, Can you say the same?
What will you do with him?

Kathy Barnes
Copyrighted 2-4-08

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