Thursday, April 1, 2010


Forgiveness is required to be given
Not just to the accidental thoughtless pains
That the person would gladly take back if they could.
But often to those who deserve it least
To those who knowing choose sin’s course
And will never ask forgiveness.
They have abandoned us from birth
Leaving us to wonder why we are not lovable
And have wounded our souls to its core.
They have cursed us with words like
You will never amount to anything.
I knew that you would fail
I told you that you were nothing.
They have never successes at anything
And live in failures of the past and what could have been.
They have promised to love and cherish forever
They were not faithful to their word.
They treated us as prostitutes, and maids
And they have never been there for us.
They have abused our bodies
With bruises, broken bones, and scars
Or drugs of every kind and alcohol.
They have raped our bodies and our minds
And left our souls mortal wounded.
They have told lies and half truths
And discredited us and cause us pain.
They have never given us the credit
For the work we have done
But taken away our job and give it to another.
They have maimed or killed one
We hold more precious than our own life.
They have taken away a hope and a future.

Yet we must forgive them
Not because they deserve it, for they do not
But, because if we hold on to unforgiveness we die.
It will eat away our life and make us their prisoner
Until it claims at last our death.
We live in the past trapped by fear and hate
Forever bared from the hope of a future
And unable to enjoy the present.
While they are oblivious to the wrong, they have done.
A few because they truly do not see
Most because they care only about themselves.
And the hardest person to forgive is of course ourselves.

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.
It is not easy, nor does it come without a cost.
It does not require that they ask for it.
It does not require that they deserve it.
It does not require that we become best friends.
It does not require that we speak it to them
Only that we do it in our hearts.
Forgiveness requires that we let it go and keep on letting go
Each time bitterness and anger return.
We do not forget what was done,
The memory of it will help to keep us safe
From running back to it to be hurt again.
But instead we announce our freedom from the event.
The power it took from us we now reclaim.
We will no longer allow them even a thought
For they do not deserve to be remembered
And we deserve to live again.
Just as Christ saw our every sin and forgave us
We must forgive them because we too need to be forgiven.
And ours sin cost Christ more than theirs can ever cost us.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-23-09

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