Thursday, April 1, 2010

Praise in the Storm

My heart does not sing for joy as it should because I am in the storm yet I will still pay my vow and offer up my praises to You. Regardless of my estate, You deserve praise and if I fail to give it the rocks would cry out. The sun, the moon, and star shine forth Your light. When one day we see You in heaven, You will be even brighter than they. How did You cause the sky and sea to know their boundary? How does one cause the mountain to rise or the valley to sink? You made the pasture green and abounding with life. You made the desert hot dry and harsh yet home for many. You made the cold lands of frozen ice but there is live even there. You made the ant so strong and wise. You made the elephant so big with hides as tough as steal. You made the butterfly so light that it can fly, with wings thin as blade of grass. You made the giraffe with it neck so long. You made a turtle to carry always it home that it can duck into. You made the birds to sing and dance across the skies. You made the platypus just to make us laugh when we ask what is it. Everything perfectly formed just as it should be. How did You know how to make everything so unique yet exactly as it should be?
What is man that You should have made him so special? You took clay, molded it into a vessel, and then breathed life into it. You form him in Your image with a soul like Your own. You counted his days, and number the hairs on his head. Our time here is but a vapor to You. Why are You concerned with him? You called man a friend, and walked and talk with him. You gave to him a beautiful garden of delight for him to rule and live off. You gave to man also free will, that broke Your heart for he rebelled against You. We were to reflect Your glory but, instead in pride we walked away. Like a good Father You did not leave us there to die but came searching for us. We have nothing that You need why should care for us? Why would You love us? You built a bridge back to You at the cost of Your only child. You gave up your place among the angels and took on the form of a babe. You bore our shame and curse so that we might live. You send Your spirit to live in us and join us to Yourself. Your mercy and grace are more than the human mind can understand. What have we to give You? Our live, our money, our time, our talent, our very breathe is it not already Yours. All we have to offer is our hearts with it we lift up praise to You. We sing, we dance, we clap, we shout, we jump, and lift up Holy hands. We can give thanks for You have cleans us and placed Your robe of righteousness on us. Because of Christ we can once again come into Your presences. Without Your grace, we would not be able to stand before Your glory, Your justice, Your holiness or Your truth for no good thing abides in us. Your might is unsurpassed, Your strength formidable, Your word capable of finishing the war. Where man likes to think that he is in control, he is not but You are. We cannot stand if You are against us or be defeated if You are for us. Your wisdom and Your knowledge are beyond our pitiful understanding. Our wisest thoughts not even worth the mention and Your lowest still alludes us. You still talk to our hearts and hear our every prayer. You still bless us when we do not deserve it. You still call us Your child. You are the only true God. You are living and active, not dead like sticks or stones. You have not forgotten how the body is to work, or the laws of nature. You can still bend them to Your will and perform miracles. The one thing You cannot do is lie and break Your word. You are forever faithful, even when we are not. I bow my knee, and I lie prostrate before You to beg forgiveness. I lift my voice and add it to the angels to tell of all the great and might things that You have done. One day I will fall at Your feet in admiration and look into Your beautiful face and give You all the worship that You deserve for You will always be my King, my Savior and my Lord.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-27-09

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