Monday, April 5, 2010

The Unexpected Day

It was a day like many before it
It was not a holiday, just a common ordinary day,
With nothing that stood out as special about it.
Children were going to school.
Some worried about test, others not caring if they pass.
Young couples were planning marriage
And the life times they would spend together.
Others were looking for their first home,
Planning the children that they hope to fill it with.
Mothers were cooking and caring for babies.
Dishwashers, washing machine, and vacuums are humming.
Some have eaten too much, and some have too little food.
Grandmother and Grandfather were spoiling their grandchildren.
Copy machines, cell phones and computers are running at top speed.
Bosses were checking up on their employee,
Planning for the latest market changes and ways to get ahead.
Workers were hurrying to complete their tasks
Hoping to impress the boss and rise above the crowd
While others just counted the minutes until the ending bell.
Some lay sleeping already tired from life’s demands.
Some are being born and some were pasting from this life.

The TV is filled with stories of wars on every continent.
Pictures of bombarded building filled the screen
With destruction of homes, school, and hospitals.
The countless life that had been torn apart displayed for all to see on TV.
Sickness and disease demand to devour its fill,
Taking captives the prisoners of all that it could overpower.
The cries of hurting soldiers and civilians called out
For peace, food, water, healing, and rest,
Promises long since broken by the leaders of the day.
While other radical’s cries only for more bloodshed.

The sun’s and moon’s light fails to shine as normal.
The land itself is broken into pieces and shoots out fire
Rising and falling at a whim as also the waters of the oceans
Causing massive earthquakes and tidal waves
Wiping out whole cities and villages.
Animals of the waters, valleys, and mountain’s tops
Fail to reproduce and dwindle in number throughout the land,
However, their sickness explodes and spread to man.
Drought and blight have claimed the best crops.
Those that are left are withered and sparse
Increasing the cries of the hungry and homeless.
The spirit of man is just as hungry
For it has become blind and deaf
Unable to take substance from it source
No longer even able to receive the bread of life
Or able to drink the living water.
It has lost the ability even to know what it needs
And grasps at many straws that break and fall away,
Following mindlessly the paths to darkness.

The watchman has long ago given up his post
Moreover, forgot what was foretold before time began.
No longer does He seek the Master’s return
But busied himself with life’s common chores.
However, today is that unexpected common day
Suddenly a loud trumpet sounded.
Lights from above brakes forth from the clouds
And a King returned to claim His throne
And dominion forever as ruler of His kingdom.
Multitudes of sleeping saints are raised up.
In a twinkling of an eye, the living saints transformed
Taking their place in courts of heavens beside them.
Angels fill the heaven and the Earth
Free at last to release the judgment of sin on man
And prepare the Jerusalem’s gates for the Messiah’s glorious presences
As He sets His feet on Zion, restoring Israel’s and His holy city.
Those that are left on Earth are confused, deceived and bewildered
Lost in lies of enemy and condemned to suffer the wrath of God.
The angels are now free to release God’s judgments.
Their plans for the day no longer matter, for they will never happen.
Their choices have now caught up with them
And they must bare its burden forever more.
It was an unexpected day for them,
A nightmare they never believed would come true.
But one that change their world and life forever,
For in that day all will be called to give account
And bow to the new ruler of the land.

Kathy Barnes
Copyrighted 9-4-09

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