Thursday, April 1, 2010


America the strong and brave, might nation of the world I speak to you. You have military might unsurpassed, planes, boats, tanks, and missiles. You police the nations of the world confident in your abilities. Pride goes before a fall. We were so secure that we fail to watch our defenses and an enemy came in by stealth took the heart of a city. We were blind to the war coming against us, not nations but the evil one. Let no one fool you, this is a Holy War and we are caught inside it whether we are for or against it. I give the cry given to Sardis, wake up before it is too late.
America one nation under God, I call to you to return to your beginning. We have lost our first love, and we are turning deaf ears, blind eyes, cold heart and empty hands to God. We are failing to serve him. This nation was founded on believe in God of the Holy Bible, not other books. Outside of Israel, as no other nation been blessed and prosper as us. As we have blessed Israel, He has blessed this nation. If we turn our back on Israel, He will turn His back to us. God has honored our humble beginning, because we acknowledge Him. America give honor to Him once more, so that he may bless us again. Repent and turn back before it is too late, pray for healing of this land. Do not be as Ephesus, and be beguiled by one world government and leadership and take your eyes of the True God.
America was built on religious freedom to worship God. So that we each may seek and serve God as we think best. Like the might church of Pergamum and Thyatira we have fallen. God’s people have been tempted to make accommodations to pagan culture and its destructive practices and idol worship. We have lack the backbone to stand and say no this is wrong. Right still exists it is measured by God word. Afraid of hurting someone feeling, we fail to speak the truth in love. We let them believe that many ways lead to God, all paths are just as good, and truth is not fixed, but depends on the situation. Gambling, immorality, homosexuality, alcohol, drugs, abortion, murder, and the love of the almighty dollar and self-pleasure had become our gods. Jezebel has led the way with women’s rights, abortion, flower power, the destruction of the family, and self- indulgence. We have remained silent as courts have legislative against God law. The lie that God and government have to be separated has been accepted when it is He that always has given nations their power. Never did He send prophets to His people, to His leaders with instructions to do nothing, but for them to resist the evil ones. We have turn God’s rightful rendering instead to the government, and wonder why it does not work. This was not meant to be and He is removing his hand of blessings from us.
America’s doors have been open wide to hear the gospel. We have freedom to share with little interference. Like ungrateful children, we turn our backs to God. Just like when He was born, we have no place for Him. We fail to tell others of the love he has shown us. We said we are too busy; it cost too much to serve. Excuses fill the church’s pews while His Spirit is grieved. We fail to open up the Bible and read it Holy Word. Only a few preachers still hold faithful to all that is in it. We throw away our crowns not at His feet, but for some worthless thing that will someday burn. As the church of Philadelphia held strong, and won the prize, so do we need likewise. This nation needs to return again to God. Resist Satan’s plans for new world order under Satan’s hand. We need only to look at our past leaders to see that any man with absolute power will lead only to corruption and heartless sufferings. They speak of peace and plan war.
People have lost our fire and passion for God, His word, and His law. We obey when it suit us and justified why we don’t. We pick and choose what we like from His Word. Even we do not truly know what we believe any more. Neither hot nor cold if we are not careful just like Laodicea He will spew us out of His mouth.
America has not had to answer Smyrna call to suffer, to be faithful to Him in spite of economic or political persecution, but we are beginning our birth pains. We are reaping the harvest of our seeds for God disciplines those he loves. We have sacrificed our children on the alters of abortion to hid our sin. We have jails full of child molesters, rapist and murders and allowed them blame others for their actions. We have fail to speak for those without a voice; the unborn, the abused, the unloved, the poor, the elderly, and those lead to gas chambers and firing squads. We have taken prayer out of schools system and told kids there is no wrong of right. We do not respect God and they respect no one.
We have rewritten history until they no longer know it true foundation. The education system had it origins in the desire to be able to read and understand God’s word. The first textbooks, The New England Primers, were taken from the Bible. We have said the god of pleasure rules no need for self- control. Our streets are filled with drugs, booze, HIV and our courts with divorce and broken families. We have severed the god of credit cards, big houses, two cars and instant everything. Paul and Peter have caught up with each other and the note is due. The back of the common man is breaking under the weight of man’s idea to make everybody equal poor except for the elite rulers. The economy is in shambles, and we are throwing good money after bad. Trying to spend our way out of debt has never worked.
The hard times are just beginning. We have played at church and traditions so long, we are no longer different from the world. We have failed our children for it is not enough to know about Him. We need a relationship with Him. Becoming as the world we have lost our first love. Our children cannot see what we no longer have. Therefore, they embrace the road ahead. They do not yet know what suffering means or that Christ is the only way out. We have not been required to die for Christ. We have been required to die to Him. We have been required to live for Him. America has a choice, to pray for forgiveness and revival. We can hit our knees, fill our pew, and beg for His Spirit or continue to strive with God and fall from His Grace. Time is short and the hour is late. The legacy you leave may be of our destruction.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 3-7-09

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