Thursday, April 1, 2010

Joy Comes in the Morning

Joy comes fresh with each new morning.
All the earth seems to sing praise of a beautiful creation.
The rain of the long black night has stopped.
The ground is sweet with the smell of hope and promise
That comes after the long and wearisome drought.
The dawn rise to great the day with it radiant beams of light
Filling the sky like rockets announcing the gift of a new day.
The sun golden rays play a blissful game of hid and seek.
It speaks of joy and gladness that is to come.
Yesterdays worries and sorrows are gone, banished by the light.
The roses give off a wonderful exotic perfume
So that even the air is full of delight smells anticipation.
The bright yellow daffodils raise their head in elation.
Just as we lift our head toward heaven
And our hands in praise of the giver of life
The might oaks leaves rustle with new life
Bursting froth abundantly in all directions
And the promise of great and glorious things to come.
And the failures of the past slip quietly away.
Butterflies dance across the breeze in pure delight and pleasure.
The dreary and mournful song of the nightingale is gone
Replaced instead with the praises of the cheerful songbirds.
As they, chirp good day and sing, blessing fall on you.
Awake, sleepy head they cry, good things are ahead
Open up your eyes and see the bounty of the day.
Look forward and look up in faith and expectation
But never down or back in hopelessness and despair
For joy comes fresh with each new day and it is always enough.
It sings to our heart and makes us glad and thankful
No matter what the circumstances or trial that befalls us
Be still and listen to morning’s glorious song
For you will find God there and His peace.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-16-09

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