Monday, April 5, 2010

The Tongue

This is one of the tiny parts of the body
Yet this is one of the most significant.
Its power is enormous and impressive.
Such a diminutive part holds such immense might.
It is used at times devastatingly to tear down
Whatever is in its path like a hurricane’s fury.
We often use it without thinking before we speak.
What comes out is angry, harmful, hateful words,
Or discouraging, belittling, and disparaging words
Amid inward at ourselves and outward toward others.
Both can inflict more pain and damage
In a few seconds than lifetime can repair.
We curse ourselves by speaking of failures
Those of the past and future
For our words, keep us captive from present success.
We speak our fears into existence
When we let an uncontrolled mind run free
Filled with worry and doubts of what might happen.
The tongue can start an insatiable wild fire that cannot be contained
Or taken back once gossip has spew out our mouth.
Gossip consumes it victims gluttonously and yearn for more.
Often starting backfires that are just as ravenous and unquenchable.
The tongue may be forked and speak lies forth as truth
And deceives the foolish into following in it folly.
We often listen and believe our own lies.
The tongue encourages those that lack wisdom and understanding
To lie in bed with the sinful and wicked temptress of evil.
It can be used to take in vain the name of the Most High God.

The tongue is sometime used wisely.
It can easily be a great blessing to another.
When it is used to build up someone’s esteem
Encouraging them to be all that they can be.
To stand and boldly say, “Yes I can.”
It can articulate the love within our hearts for another
Let them know that they are important and not alone.
It conveys to them the worth that we see in them.
When used with love the tongue can mend a thousand fences
Restoring relationships and covering up offenses.
The right words have the power to heal the heart
And calm tempers back down from boiling.
It can speak joy, hope, and possibilities into our minds
And set us up to expect success and victory.
It can address the wisdom of the ages
And bring understand to the simple minded.
The tongue can speak forth the miracles of healing and life.
It can tell other bold of God’s love for them
And how Christ died to save them from sin.
It can stand up for what is good and right.
It can speak for those that have no voice.
It can be employed to praise our Maker and Creator
Thanking Him for all that, He has done for us
And offering up song of joy and celebration.

Sometimes the tongue’s best use is to be silent.
Otherwise, pride would speak and injure another.
The condemnation of another is best left unsaid.
Me, myself and I is wisely left unvoiced.
Voiceless fault finding and criticisms is more desirable
Than speaking curses on others or ourselves.
It is better to be quiet than speak of things
That the brain has not yet processed through
And only believe that is correct as facts.
He that controls his tongue
And not let it control his actions
Is the wisest and most powerful of men.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 7-6-09

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