Thursday, April 1, 2010


It began with a kiss from a trusted friend and coworker.
The kiss of death and betrayal, of bitterness and hate.
Was this not one of His chosen which had walked with Him daily?
Had not these same people which now clamored for His crucifixion Not welcomed him with Palm branches,
And shout of Hosanna the day before?
Was this not one He who eyes He healed with a touch a days ago?
They did not fear Him then but begged for the hem of His robe.
Did He not feed this crowd with fish and bread and words,
Only a short while ago and did they not ask for more?
Had he not amazed them with His teaching in the synagogue?
A second ago was he not respected? What had changed?
God deep love for man was being displayed for all the world to see.
The one who came to set all men free was now the prisoner.
He who preached love, truth and forgiveness
The holy anointed one was lead away in the chains of man.
He who commanded legions of angels, by His word
Humbled himself to God’s plan, and man’s depravity.
He was dragged before an earthly judge, a mockery of a court.
Lies and accusations filled the air, and broke His heart.
Yet He stood strong and refused to answer their charges.
Charges were read and bought without causes
And punishment assigned to an innocent man.
Forty lashes minus one where placed across His back.
A leather cord with bits of glass and wire and metal
Pulled huge chunk of skin away.
He was beaten to the edge of death,
So badly that his mother would not known Him
Still He held the angels back, to do His Father’s will.
Blood was drawn; He could have left but for me.
The soldiers not knowing their peril spit in his face.
They tried to humiliate him who rules over them.
They mocked, and placed and crown of thorns on the Son of God.
Still He held the angels back to do His Father’s will.
They place upon his human frame the cross the curse of man.
He struggle with it weight as he walked Via Delarosa’s
Long road of sorrow and shame.
Then he lay His body down upon the cross freely
And trading places with me, He took my nails.
For He could see what I could not, God’s hand of Love.
Still He held the angels back to do His Father’s will.
And in that monument when He hung up on that tree.
He took my sin and lost His innocents and holiness.
He, who had never known fear, guilt, or shame,
Or the indignity of nakedness, or failure took my pain.
He who had never known sickness or disease,
Knew now what it was to live a dying decaying body of sin.
Jesus had never known what it was to be completely alone.
For The Father’s presence had continually been with Him
And He cried out My God My God why you have forsaken me.
For righteousness and evil and not inhabit the same heart.
He tasted an excruciating and agonizing death for my sake.
In order that I might find a way, home to God.
Still He held the angels back to do His Father’s will.
With the only language He knew, Love
He open wide his arms and gave up His spirit.
No longer held back the angels shook the earth,
The temple fell and not one stone was left standing.
The veil of the Holy of Holy’s was torn from top to bottom.
Satan thought that He had won and celebrated
Until Christ took the keys of Hell and set it’s prisoner free.
He rose again first to earth and then to heaven.
It began with a plan, and a promise to return long ago
But soon it will end with a shout heard for all eternity.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright April 1, 2008

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