Thursday, April 1, 2010

A New Song

My soul, lament no more for past glories.
Grieve not for dreams that have failed.
Bewail not for memories of the splendor of long ago.
Cry no more for pleasures that were and have fade away.
Mourn no more for the saints that have gone home before you
For you will again see them made well and perfect.
Do not bemoan your present state with weeping
For you are only pasting through this land, and it is not your home.
Remove your harps from the trees on the river’s banks.
Blow the shofar long and loud from Zion’s hill
Announcing Abraham’s promised blessing in your life
For the Lord has given you a new song of joy.
Release to Him a song of praise and thanksgiving
For He as broken your chains of captivity
And like the sun you will rise up again with the morning
For the son that is in you will lift you up from the pit.
You anguish is but for a moment of time
In ordered to turn your eyes back to the great I AM.
For the dead and lifeless idols of man’s hands
Can’t not compare to His wonderful and marvelous works.
The darkness that has encompassed you has been revoked.
And the dawns light floods your soul with joy and hope.
Its peace brings rest to the weary and trouble heart
Restoring you the glory of God’s sweet cherished fellowship.
It anoints you with a holy oil washing away the pains of this life
Causing your spirit to revive and live once more in favor.
The grace of the Lamb most esteemed covers all your failings
And pays the price of sin and victory once and for all.
There is cause to sing in celebration, death has been rescinded.
Shout Halleluiah and Hosanna from the rooftops
For the veil of darkness has been torn from top to bottom
And man is no longer separated from the God which gave him life.
Rejoice in the newfound expectations of possibility for the future.
Look with forward with Elijah’s eyes and see God’s good plans for you.
Open up your hands and heart, and grasp that hope tightly.
Cling to that solid rock and lift up high Aaron’s Rod.
Let your cries of His triumph reach the gates of heaven
For your prayer of faith have been laid before alter
And the angels have been dispends to answer it.
Relax and comprehend the perfect love He has for you.
Then release the fears that held you prisoner for so long.
Lift up your hands in praise and show the covenant mark
Identifying you as His redeemed child so all the world may see
His light shining through you to the lambs still lost
And Satan will know that he must flee and release thee.
Dance before Him with joy and gladness despite the storm.
Play the harp and tambourine in celebration
For He places on you His robe of righteousness,
Given you the helmet of salvation and sword of truth to guide you.
He has placed His glory inside you that you might be like Him;
Holy, pure, confident, powerful, loving and forgiving.
Let the resonation of you voice loudly and delightfully
Proclaim His goodness, His forgiveness and His mercy.
With beautiful melodies, tell of His faithfulness to all generations.
Bow in thanksgiving before your ever-loving Father.
Fall trembling in awe before the sacred holy presence
Of your Priest, Prophet, King, Master and Savior.
He who with his word set Orion and The Bear in the night sky
Just as easily cause a nation to be born in a day
And an enemy to sweep to the bottom of the sea
So there is no need to fear and worry needlessly.
He delights in His children and will rain blessing down on them
From heaven unlimitless and abundant bounty to meet their ever need.
Take courage and strength for you are one of them
And His grace is sufficient for any trial.
Join with the angels’ harmonies to sing a new song
Of His holiness and His justice, of His power and His might.
Unite with the Earth to sing the wonder of its creator.
Merge the sounds of your tongues to proclaim
The glory and honor offer to that blessed name of Jesus
Which is above all other names, and most dear.
The Messiah promised to God’s choose people of Israel
That she might be a blessing to the world.
Let a new song rise up before The Arc of the Covent
And to the throne of the righteous Judge, and Prince of Peace
Bringing with it the sweet incense of sacrifice and obeisance
For it, give Him more pleasure than that of a thousand bulls.
Said one more time I love you, for you can never say it enough.

Kathy Barnes
Copyrighted 3-9-2010

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