Monday, August 9, 2010

The Promise Land

Exodus 6:5-8

(5) Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant. (6) “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. (7) I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. (8) And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the LORD.’”

LORD, I thank You that You have heard my cry, You have seen my tears, and You know the desires of my heart. I am but dust; never the less You care enough to listen. I thank You that You have remember my helpless estate and provide a way of escape, a way to victory.

LORD, I thank You that You remembered Your covenant. I thank You that it was based only on Your Word and Your promise. I thank You that it does not depend on my actions, my righteousness, or my promises for I could never keep them. I could never earn Your love.

LORD, I thank You that You bring us out from under the yoke of sin. Its curses have weight me down and drain my life. Sin’s lies speak of a future, but steal all hope. As long as I am its slave, I am not free to fellowship with Thee and I am cut off from Your presences, Your blessing, Your righteousness, or Your holiness.

LORD, I thank You that it is You that sets us free from sin. On my own, I could never be good enough, I could never do enough good deeds, nor could I love enough to forgive others or myself. I thank you for breaking the chains that bind our lives. You remove the shackle of sin that keep us trapped in the past, that tell us we are defeated, and have only more sorrows ahead.

LORD, I thank You that You redeem us with outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. Sin left a gaping hole in our soul, which cries out for loved. Yet, its acts demanded that we be found guilty, deserving of death. It created a chasm so wide we could not get back to You. You opened up Your arm on the cross and said, “This is Love,” although we had done nothing to deserve it, You choose to bare our debt. You set before us a priceless gift, that You only required we open. I fall at the foot of that cross and underneath Your blood and cry, “I love You.”

LORD, I thank You that You take me as Your own. Your grace and mercy cover me for I have no justification to be called a child of the Most High and Holy God. That You would give to me the assess of Jesus to come before You, the protection of angels, the power of the Holy Spirit, or the right to say, “Daddy” is more that I can comprehend. You are a good Father, giving good gifts, abundant blessings, and never-ending love.

LORD, I thank You that You are will to be my God and accept my worship. I freely offer You praise and honor. You are unlike any other gods for You alone are living, ever faithful, ever true and never changing. You spoke and created the worlds and heavens. You breathe life in to clay, and brought healing to our body, mind, and souls. You bring kings to power or fall at Your whim. You conquered death and hell. Your power has not diminished.

LORD, I thank You that You have brought me into a promise land of milk and honey. I thank You that You have given it to me as my possession. I thank You that You have given me a hope and a future. My eyes have yet to see it, but it is done none the less for You have sworn that it will come to pass.

I see the giants, curses, and strongholds before me but know that You are with me, and nothing is impossible for You. I struggle to be free from the fear and doubts that blow across my mind, but my feet are planted in Your Word and in Your promises and so I stand in faith. I fall down, but Your Spirit lifts up my hands in worship. My heart still trusts the heart of one that beats within it even if it cannot yet see His hand of provision. Until that time, Your grace is sufficient for the trails. You are only refining and purifying my heart. The results will justify the means.

Kathy Barnes

He Touched Me!

An old silver hair woman stood singing in a church choir, “He touched me.” Her heart was joyful as she offered up her hands in praise and thank to God. She could not carry the tune perfectly, but her soul sang. Her thoughts however, drifted back to a different time.

When she had been twelve, a teacher had given her a children’s Bible storybook. She had read it at night so her mother would not take it away. Under the cabinet, she had found more Bible stories on records; she listened to them when no one was around. A few times, she had slipped off to church, but her mother’s attempt to cleanse her with scalding water when she got back discouraged her. She had been looking for God, but He found her the day she could not live without him.

The day had started like most. She had gone to take the trash out. The metal can was heavy, and a torn piece cut her leg causing her to dump the trash in the yard. Her mother thought she did it on purpose and nagged her father into spanking her. The belt left a v shaped marks that covered her body completely from head to toe. She had tried to hide the bruise but had cried all the way to school and was sent home. Upon seeing her, Mom said, “No, you don’t. She can’t stay here. Take her to the woods and dump her off, or killer I don’t care. It would have been better if she were never born, she can’t do anything right, and is utterly worthless.” The dad then took her back to school and dumped her.

Later that day she came home and started dishes. The mom still being mad, that she was there; dumped honey, flour and the dirt from a flowerpot across the ones she had just washed and stormed. The girl being upset and distracted cut her hand on a knife. She was having trouble stopping the bleeding and thought if I don’t, it will kill me. It was followed shortly by thought, but that would solve many problems.

As she put the knife to her throat, she said a silent prayer. “God of Abraham, Jacob, and David I not sure if you even still exist. I have heard stories of old, and they are beautiful. If this, Jesus, that loves everyone is; I would like to met him one day. Could He love me too? I don’t know if we get to pick heaven or hell. I would choose heaven, but hell can be worst than this. I am not sure you could let me in. Heaven is said, to be perfect and I am not. I might mess it up.”

She took a deep breath and started the knife down. Something blocked her hands. A loud thunderous voice came from inside her head. “Thou shall not kill.” Taken back by it she found herself feeling hurt, and tried to explain that she would never hurt another person, or even one of the animals, that they were precious; because He had made them. She was only taking her own life and it was unimportant. Picking up the knife, she again put it to her throat. “Thou shall not kill, You!” roared like a mighty river, its power knocking her to the ground, and leaving her frozen in fear. If the anger had been directed at her, she would have perished. Her mother came back into the room, and seeing all the blood started yelling for her to clean it up. She responded without thinking.

Jesus, had found her that day. It was not the normal prayer of salvation, but then when had her life ever been normal. Strangely, she had been mad at Him for years for He had not let her die or taken her out of the situation. It had taken time for her to learn that He was there holding her hand, that He was planning some way to turn even this evil to good. At times, it was still hard for her to remember that He loved her, and considers her precious. But, as she stood singing, she was remembering all the times His healing touch had changed her and was still making her whole. She no longer had to ask if He was still alive, for she had met Him, she knew, and she would never be the same again.

Kathy Barnes

The Reunion

The honor guest would soon arrive and all the acquaintances were starting to gather for the event at least a thousand. Each waited to extol accolades and thanks for what she had done. Some were old, and some were young, some were well known, some not, and some had never directly meet her but each life had been touch in some special way by her. Each had a story to tell.

You are responsible for me having a new heart and living to see my grandbabies. Your love allowed me to be healed and I got see my kids grow up and spend ten more years with my wife. You see when our doctor was a teenager his parents fell and you helped provide care and food for him and his younger sister that had been born on crack. Without your help and other like you, he would have never become a doctor.

A preacher waited to present all the lives that had been touched because she had first touched him. He had accused her of blaspheme because she spoke of God as a real and living person. But an angel had directed his path to a 12 step where she had introduce him to God instead of offering up more rituals.

A group of happy carefree teenagers, waited to sit and swap stories of all the good things God had done in their life since last they talked. The first a beautiful blond girl strong and athletic, now that she was free from the cancer, was waiting to hug the woman that had been her second mother to her. A tall strong young man stood where once a thin child had sat crying on her porch because he was hungry and begging for food. A group of African children that had never seen her but had learned of God through the mission books sat waiting. Because of her offerings, a group of Russian children that learned of God from the airwaves sat next to them. A couple of the kids from her Sunday school sat next to her ready to tell her the rest of the story.

A once blind Chinese man, his family, and friends waited off to one side. Along with the Braille text books she had sent after her husband had read them she had send a copy of the Bible on tape and a few dollars to supplement the two dollars a day the government expected him to buy food, clothing, and shelter with.

A few old women and men, and a couple of younger adults also stood ready to congratulate her on the hard work and bruises she had received falling down the stairs during a passion play. She had given the tickets, help act out Jesus life, and open up their eyes to more important things than money, and fame. Now they waited to share with her all the beauty, glory, and love she had not been able to convey.

A large crowd of old friends was visiting sharing all the prayers that she had sent up for them and their families over the years. Each had long rolls of paper with the dates she had been prayed for them and the dates they had been answered in their hands.

A group of seniors stood with bowls of fruit and songs in their hearts. They remembered when she had come to a nursing home and sang hymns of praise for them. They were grateful for the example of God love. They had needed to know, that they were not forgotten.

An old Jewish couple offer up wine and bread to her. Just as she had once sent through an outreach a care box that let them celebrate Hanukkah, in a distant land.

The list of those waiting continued, for she had touched more than she knew. The moment before she crossed back over to home, she had thought herself a failure, not making a difference. Now at the end of the line she saw the face of one waiting to tell her, “Well done.” She was surprised at the lives she had touched, but wondered just how many she had missed. She cried a tear for them. The Master touched her face and wiped it dry. “You are not my only servant.”

Kathy Barnes

Death, Heaven and Hell

Death comes for us all no matter what our state.

It comes for:
The rich and for the poor.
The old and for the young.
The strong and for the weak.
The wise and for the simple.
The celebrities and the nobodies.
The righteous and the unrighteous.
For those who are prepared and for those who are not expecting it.

Death comes to all men equally, and no one can escape its grasp.

In the twinkling of an eye, I find myself no longer journeying in this world. Rather, I am in a strange and heavenly place filled with awe and splendor. My body is no longer sick and dying, but healthy and strong.

There is no sun, yet it is brighter than the brightest day on Earth; the light reflects off of every nook and cranny. The clouds once above my head are now beneath my feet.

The air is overflowing with music, and the sounds bring joy to my heart. I hear harps, violins, cymbals, and a million voices more beautiful than you can imagine and in perfect harmony. The result is a symphony beyond words. There are a thousand never-ending songs of praise, yet united as one skillfully-woven tapestry.

The streets are made of gold with a thousand feet dancing joyfully upon them. The buildings are grand, each one a mansion lovely to behold. They shine and shimmer brighter than any sparking diamond radiating rainbows of light in every direction. Wonderful marble and flawless pearl towers are everywhere.

Gardens are filled with beauty with a riot of color exploding everywhere, yet somehow balanced and dancing in the light. The grass is as green as emeralds, a lush blanket begging one to lie down and rest. A gentle stream gurgles and laughs as it travels on its way. The exotic smells fills my being with a sense of pleasure. No perfume made by man was ever as sweet as this, a pure delight.

The birds sing their songs of love while butterflies dance carelessly across the sky. The lion and the lamb sleep peacefully together, curled up tightly beneath the shade of the mighty cedars.

Time itself seems to stand still and peace is everywhere. Each day of exploring will be as exciting as the first.

I can feel a love here that I have never experienced before. It is as if He knows everything I have ever done, yet somehow still accepts me. A love that started before I was born and traveled across time. It saw my faults and failures but remained faithful and true. It wooed me as a groom longing for His bride, willing even to lay down His life for me. Such comfort, peace, and joy that I could never before have thought possible. It is as if the arms of everyone that I had ever loved are holding me tight.

Again, in the twinkling of an eye, I stand before a great white throne. Angels stand guard around it crying "Holy, Holy, Holy." The power it holds is unimaginable. A light so pure and innocent shines forth, and I can not bear to look at it.

I see myself as I truly am: unclean, contaminated, tainted, and containing no good thing. I fall to my face and shake in fear and dread. I am now aware of who He is and who I am. I feel every ounce of strength leave my body. I stand in court before my Judge and Maker. An angel eases me to my knees, and I bow before the King and confess His name. He shows me everything that I have ever done wrong including the white lies and the not-so-white ones, the cross words I had spoken, the pain I had caused others, the things I had stolen, the things I had taken for granted, the lust that had filled my body, the evil thoughts that filled my mind, the times I denied Him and turned the other way. I watch in horror to know that each sin, and the reason behind it, had been seen and recorded.

The trial seems to go on forever and I sink lower with each and every charge. When, finally, the last charge is read, He asks me how I plead. There is nothing that I can say. The excuses I had believed at the time seem so lame - even to me: "I'll do it later. It cost too much. It is not hurting anyone. Everyone is doing it. My way is just as good as anyone else's. It's only a little sin. No one will ever know. I am just as good as they are. No loving God would send anyone to Hell." But I remain silent because I know they are lies. He and the elders declare me guilty of sin. He pronounces the only sentence He can. Death and Hell.

Then comes a cry from the angel Gabriel. "Wait! Look in the Book of Life and see if there is a pardon there for her." "Please. Let it be there," I beg.
He looks once. He looks twice. But my name is not to be found. Christ looks upon His hand and my name is not written there either.

The name I had so many times spoken in vain, I now wish that I could claim. I had never taken it into my heart. I beg for mercy, for I know it is my only hope. He says it is too late; the time has come and gone. He shows me all of the times He spoke, the times He called to me. The times I saw His Holy Word that I failed to believe. He shows all the people He has sent to tell me about Him. People I had turned away. He shows me all the ones who knew Him, but turned away and never spoke one word to me. Lastly, He shows me when I knew that He was true, but turned my back to Him. Then He says, "Away with you, for sin cannot abide with me."

In the twinkling of an eye I find myself being dragged down to a fiery lake by two giant angels and thrown into a black abyss created for Satan himself along with the minor demons of fear, pain, hate, wickedness, murder, rape, battery, bitterness, unforgiveness, envy, selfishness, bigotry, prejudice and pride.

Darkness is everywhere - like a night with no moon or stars. Discordant sounds accost my ears, a cacophony of men and demons crying out in pain, and torment. Weeping and the gnashing of teeth are heard from all directions. The stench of smoke fills my nostrils with a caustic foul sulfurous smell. The super-heated smoke burns my throat and lungs, searing and cooking my flesh from the inside. I choke and fight for a breath of good air, but there is none. Each and every breath is pure agony.

My parched, dry tongue and cracked lips beg for liquid. The lake consumes every drop of moisture, and my body calls out for just one drop to lessen the pain of the fire that burns within.

I hear myself screaming as the nerves in my body pulse with horrendous, excruciating pain. I watch as my flesh melts before my eyes. I am on fire, but will never be consumed. There is fighting and jostling from one being to the next. All are hoping to find a way to relieve the torture, if only for a moment.

Again, time is frozen. But this time I beg for it to end. This place was not made for me, but I chose to come. I look above and can see the dimly lit reality of what could have been. A great barrier that allows only entry prevents my attempt to cross the chasm that separates me from God.

"If I had only" and "The choice was yours" never stop repeating. A thousand regrets fill my mind. As I beg for nonexistence, memories torment my soul. I long now for the one thing that I can never have - just one moment to sit at the feet of Jesus Christ and rest in His love so sweet, so good and so kind.

Why didn't I listen? Why did I refuse His gift? If I could only turn back the hands of time, I would gladly pay any price for it. Oh, to never see His face again, to never look into that heart so filled with love, that is too much to bear. Forever separated from Him by this place with no hope of rescue. I go on in despair, each moment worse than the last, knowing that it will never end.

Look! There come the angels with another soul. No! Go back! You will not like it here. Run before it's too late! Don’t join us here!

rewrite 8-9-10

Monday, July 5, 2010

I see

I see the stars hanging high above me extending unto ends of time
And I know that is how much more God’s thought’s are above mine.
I see the flowers of the valley painted lovingly by Your brush
They have beauty and awesome wonder enough to make anyone blush.
I see volcano rise up full of great power and unstoppable might
And I stand in awe that by the power of Your word You made the night.
I see all the plants and animals that with love you wove together
Each one prized, different, special and unique unlike any other.
I see life so abundant and free playing a game of tag among the reefs
And I know that You want me to be joyful and free of all grieves.
I see the many grains of sand stretched across the ocean floor
And I am aware just how many blessing you would lay at my door.
I see the magnificent mountain tall and proud lift their eyes to You
And fall down to the valley bowing in shame before the glory of You.
I see the angels worshiping before the light of Your righteousness
And I can’t begin to comprehend Your glory and Your holiness.
I see the brilliant sunrise and dance against the sky calling a new day.
It calls to us to look up toward heaven as if saying this is the way.
I see the nails that pierced and old rugged cross upon a lonely hill
And there they stuck the heart and hand of the one who paid my bill.
But for the life of me I cannot see why you would love one such as me.
Knowing full well that I and I alone deserved to be upon that tree.
I see love spilled out beyond my wildest dreams, and all reason
And for that, I will forever love you no matter what the season.

Kathy Barnes

The Widow and the Oil

Knock. Knock. Excuse me I need to borrow a pot. Acutely all you have that you can spare. I promise I will return them. No I can’t explain why, I am not sure I fully understand that myself. Please, have mercy on me. You know my husband died yesterday. Maybe I am still crazy with grieve; maybe I am so desperate that I will try anything. I beg of you loan me all your extra vessels.
This is how I spend my day, repeating this conversation with any one that would listen and like them wondering if I have lost my mind. My husband had been a good man, a Godly man, a prophet and faithful servant; but he had died suddenly and left me in debt. The creditor had come and told me that if I did not pay all by the end of the week he would take my two sons for slaves and throw me out on the streets. My boys were young not even twelve and I had no way to make a living. I did not know how I could afford to feed them, even if he did not take them. So, I sat crying by the grave.
I had not known what to do. I saw Elisha, God’s prophet, under which my husband had served, walking toward me and I beg him to intercede for me to God. He had asked me what I had and I told him only a little oil. He had told me to get every pot I could. My boys and I had spent the day gathering pots and clean them. My house was now full of pots. Everywhere you looked, there were pots. There were even pots on top of pots.
Now just as he said I closed the door and windows. I said one last prayer that God would see my need and answer me. Then I took down the jar that held maybe a cup of oil and I began to pour. A miracle took place for that jar just keep pouring. My son brought me first one pot and then another. So we continue for hours, until at last every pot was filled. I thank God. I went back to Elisha and told him what had happen. He told me to go and sell the oil.
My son and I loaded up the wagon and lugged one load after another into town to sell. The dealer said it was the purest oil he had ever seen. When we had finished I had enough money to pay my debt and seven years wages. My boys would be men by then and could make their own living and take care of me. God had had mercy on me and heard my cry. (2 Kings 4:1-7)

So often in our darkest most painful moments someone comes along and places one more burden on us and we feel we have reach our last straw. As we sit crying, God comes walking by looking for us. Maybe the husband has walked out on his wife and left kids with no support. Maybe the wife died at childbirth and the father has been left to raise a baby alone. Maybe the business venture that one has sunk their life saving into falls apart and the bank account is empty. Maybe the doctor’s bills leave one looking at bankrupts as the only way out. God asks us what we have, be it a dollar, a talent, a prayer, a hope, an idea, or a strong back then he said let me use that to multiply my blessing in your life. We may not be able to see the end when we start, but have to step out in faith. Others may think that we are crazy and lost our mind, and we may not be so sure we have not ourselves, but if we listen to God word and pour out that first drop of oil He will met us where we are and bless us because He loves us. Never will He leave us alone to deal with things on our own, if we will but ask for His help.

Kathy Barnes

Let Freedom Ring

America, happy birthday land of the free.
Let the liberty bell ring out once more her song.
Statue of Liberty lift high your light for all to see.
Stars and stripes wave your colors long and strong.

Freedom, oh so dear, was purchased with soldiers blood.
So precious was it, that many a brave man laid down his life for it.
The writers of the constitution gave this nation a chance to bud.
With prayer and supplication they lit this nations blessed light.

The Ten Commandments taught us right from wrong.
Schools were started to teach us how to read God’s Word.
Congress printed the first Bible in America before too long.
Jefferson led the nation in prayer to the one true Lord.

America called to the huddle masses to come and enjoy its bounty.
Basic on freedom to worship God, all were welcome to come.
Because we trusted in God, this land of grow into a nation of plenty.
Persecuted people from around the world traveled here to call this home.

Our founder’s wisdom enabled our nation rise to a great power.
We developed and economy that made us the breadbasket of the world.
Hard workers and manufacturing industry let us rise to the hour.
We stood as a beacon to the nations and freedom was unfurled.

This nation stood tall and was respected and honored.
But we forgot the origins from which we came.
And now our leaders serve with lies and great dishonored
Looking only to add to their glory and their fame.

We still have the power to fall down on our knees
We still have the right to vote our convictions.
We still have the freedom to rid our land of this disease.
We still need to return to God all our praise and affections.

Before more towers fall and virus are release across the land,
Before the debt and taxes rise, reach heaven door,
Before the dollar falls below the charts and we are all canned,
Before greed and corruption ruins the oceans floor,

Before Fannie May and Freddy Mac take us under,
Before waiting to see, a doctor and the price of medicine kills us,
Before for any more economic blunders led us asunder,
Before our voices of reason can no longer be express,

We have a duty to those who fought and died
To honor the sacrifices they made for freedom.
We have an obligation to remember we are on God’s side.
For any other side is just plain dumb.

Kathy Barnes

The Shunammite Woman

My husband and I live in Shuhem. We were not rich, but we were happy and well off. My husband was well respected in the city. I notice one day that a prophet Elisha passed by our house often as he traveled. Therefore, I asked my husband if we might make a room for him to stay, with a bed, a table and chair for him to us. My husband agreed. Elisha was a Godly man and wise. We love to listen to him teach when he was here.
Grateful for the room and food, he asked me one day what he could do for me. Did I need him to speak to the leaders, and ask a favor? Did I need him to ask the guards to protect our lands? I told him we were fine. I had no needs I was content. Wanting to bless us, he talked to Gehazi, his servant, and told him to find out what could be done for us. Gehazi, told him that my husband was old and I was yet to have a child all we had would be for nothing without an heir. So, He blessed me and told me I was to have a child. I beg him not to lie to me and not to tell me so if this child would not become our heir. He said it would be and it did come to pass in the normal time a son was born.
When my son was still a boy, he went with his father into the field to work harvesting the wheat. The day was hot and the boy fell down crying, “My head, My head” The workers brought him to me. I sat rocking him in my lap and placing cool rags on his head. His breathing became shallower and shallower until I could feel it no more. His life had slipped away. I was not ready to give him up and I remembered Elisha promise from God.
I told the servant to put my baby in Elisha bed, and close the door. I told another to get me a donkey for I must run to the man of God. You see he was my only hope. My husband asked why I need see him, as it was not Sunday or a Feast day. I told him so that all would be well. I drove as fast as I could to him.
His servant saw me coming from the distance and ran to met me. He asked what was wrong but I would not slow down for him. I need to reach the one that could help me. I told him all was well.
When I came to the Man of God, I fell down at his feet. Gehazi tried to pull me away, but Elisha told him to leave me alone but I was troubled by something. I reminded him that I had not ask him for anything and when he promise me an heir that he would not deceive me.
The told his servant to run before us and take his staff and place it on the boy. He warned him not to stop for nothing. Then Elisha and I headed back to the house. When we arrived Gehezi said, “The boy has not awaken.” Elisha sent everyone out and closed the door, but you could hear him praying for the boy. Then I heard the boy sneeze seven times, and I run in to grab him. I thank Elisha for giving him back to me and restoring to me God’s promise. God is faithful to keep his promise, and I am blessed because I honored God’s man.

I too have had to cling to that promise hope given by God. The Lord gave me Psalm 113:9 (He makes the barren woman abide in the house as a joyful mother of children.) My body went toxic and the doctor told me that I would likely have a stoke or die if I did not abort. We both lived. Then again, when that child turned into a teenager and I found her unconscious, lips and fingertips blue. It is hard to watch them sticking a breathing tube down your child throat or wait for days to see if they will ever come off the ventilator. All you can do is cling to the promise of God and you are so grateful when that promise comes to pass. The doctor told me to put her away. I did not listen. It been ten years she is functional if not yet completely whole. And I am still cling to the promise that she will have life worth living.

Some are asked and even harder task without knowing the reason. They have to see a child die.
My daughter best friend stayed with us off and on the last few year of her life. She was a sweet, joyful, wonderful and precious child. Her Mom, divorced, did the best she could to balance time to sit by her daughter bed, and work to pay the bills for the medicine. Her Dad stole her leukemia and pain medicine to sell, and at one point pushed her down stairs breaking her hip. The doctor has tried but never found a perfect match and so the two bone marrow transplants did not take. We watched as she wasted away to nothing because she could not keep anything down or in. We held her hand and try to make her laugh when the doctor’s test were so painful everyone cried. And, when the doctors told us it had spread and the growth was choking off her heart a part us all died. We begged for it to be us not her for it would be easier to bear. And like her Mother we knelled and cried at a grave that came way too soon and ask why her, why now.
I have gotten out of my hospital bed against doctor’s orders for bed rest to walk across the room and hold my neighbor. Taking the phone from her and trying to hold back the tears enough to finish the message to her husband that one of the twins was dead and they were about to taking her in for emergence surgery in the hopes to save the other. They had tried for years and this was the second invetro attempt.
I have held a dear friend husband and cried with him, went his wife miscarried and their dreams died. She was supposed to keep her baby, while the doctors had told me that I would lose mine. I wondered would the baby have been deformed or would she have died. At the same time, I watch helplessly as another aborted a child, and asked why.

At time like these all we can do is hold on to each other and cry. There are no words, and we have no answers. As the pain lessens, we look to God for comfort for He too lost a child. With time, the tears grow fewer, but never truly go away. And we must trust that God is good and unlike us He knows the answers. The miracle is that we don’t have more days with them, but that God trust us enough to grant us even one. They are His children first and only loaned out to us. Good people are taken away, but no one understands. Those who do right are taken away from evil and given peace. (Isaiah 57:1-2) Like us, God looks at the hurting and say if I could trade places I would, but He can and He did. When the limit He has set for them to bear have been met, sometimes He gives completes the healing and gives rest from the pain. Not ours but theirs. It does mean that we are not loving, caring parents only that He is better. We may not understand the why until later.

Heaven is filled with children running, laughing, dancing, jumping rope, and playing tag in the streets of gold. They are swimming in the river Jordan, fishing on it banks, and making mud pies on it shore. They picking flower from God’s garden, take piggyback rides on the lion, and pet the lambs. In the grassy pastures, they are chasing balls and flying kites. They are playing hid and seek in the clouds. Our earthly angels are playing ring around the roses with heavenly angels. Their praise and songs filling the sky. When they tire of playing, they run and jump into their Father arms and curl up for hug and story, safe and whole. They are free from hospital bed, needles, and missing limbs. They do not know the disease, destruction, or depravity of this world below. And when we catch up with them they will have a million stories and dreams to share with us and we will have eternity to listen and get to know them.

Kathy Barnes

Friday, June 25, 2010

Eden, Paradise Lost

God cause the man to fall asleep and while asleep, he took from him a rib. With that rib, he formed me and I awoke into the wonderful presence of my creator. Both God and the man looked at me, said I was good, and they were well pleased with me. The man called himself Adam and named me, Eve. I was to be his helpmate and him my protection. Together we were to rule this paradise as one.
We lived in a beautiful garden full of plants and animals. Adam told me the names of every one. I loved spending time with him. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful. The ground was covered with beautiful stones of gold, onyx, and gems pleasing to the eye. All the plant supplied us with plenty of food to eat. We would often go from one tree to the next picking fruit and tasting it to see if it was sweet, tart, bitter, firm or juicy. Every time one of us found a new taste, we would share that fruit with the other. It was easy to take care of everything. We had only to speak and it would grow at our command.
In the cool of the evening God would walk with us and talk with us about our day. We would talk about how lovely the butterflies dance was, how silly and happy the lion and the lamb game of tag had been, and what the frog had told us about her day jumping around in the stream. We would tell him how much we loved Him and thanked Him for all that He had given us. He would tell us about the stars above, what the angels where doing, and how much he loved us. We could not wait to see each other. It was the perfect place to raise a family, a true paradise. Adam and I were so happy there. I did not know how much until we lost it.
The day started like so many other days had before. Adam and I had woke, eaten breakfast together and then gone for a long walk. He had gone off to see the newborn loin clubs and I had gone into a meadow to listen to the song of praise the birds where singing. I ended up under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil resting in it shade. This was a beautiful tree full of fruit that looked delicious and pleasing to me. I started to wonder what it would taste like. I know that God had told Adam that we should not eat from it for in that day we would surely die. He had told me and I knew better that to eat. I was not hungry and there was plenty of other things to eat, why did it fascinate me so much. I laid there for a long time looking up at that tree and wondering what was so special about it, for you see it was the only thing God had forbidden us. Adam had said it was to show God that we loved Him enough to do what He asks.
While I was resting there, a serpent came by and reclined against the tree next to me. He was a beautiful and wise creature. He asked if God had really said you may not eat from any tree in the garden as if God did not had right to say this is mine alone. I thought for a minute that he was right I should be able to eat this if I wanted, then dismissed the thought God made it. It was His to do with as He pleased. I wonder did He have a reason for doing so.
God had not told not me but Adam that we could not eat this but I did not want the serpent to know this. He might have thought me an afterthought and not as knowledgeable as he. So, I said, “We may eat of all the trees of the garden but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, but from it we may not eat or touch it or we will die.” I placed more restriction on me than God had wanting to sound like I knew more than he did. I wondered what it meant to die. Was it like the daylilies there blooms die at the end of the day only to open anew the next? Did it hurt? Did it last long?
The serpent then said, “You surely shall not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” I had never thought about being like God. He could do everything. I would like that kind of power. I wonder if I ate the fruit if I would truly be like Him knowing everything, seeing everything, being everywhere at once. Was that how the serpent was so wise? If I knew good and evil then I know better how to please God and Adam. This would be a good thing would it not?
The serpent point to a fruit hanging just above my head that looked like it was about to fall. Touch it, see it will not hurt you. I reached up and took it in my hand. Turning it over and over in my hand I studied it. He said see I told you it would not hurt you. God just does not want to share His power with you. That is why he told you not to taste. Take just one small bite. One bite could not hurt and you will see that I am right. Do this one small thing for me please. Therefore, I took a bite. He said see I told you. You are as wise as God or me. So, I took and gave to my husband also. I wanted him to be as please with me as the serpent. At first, he resisted but I plead with him to join me after all we were intended to be equals. Finial he got tired of my asking and took a bite to please me.
When he took that bite, everything changed and we saw ourselves as we were. We knew good and evil. Before we know only good, but now we knew pain, heartache, emptiness and fear. The serpent did not tell us that this would hurt. He lied to us, for I knew now what sin felt like. It was a black hole that sucked the life out of your body leaving you broken and sick without hope at the bottom of dark pit without light. And no matter how I tried I could not wash this film of evil from my skin or my mind. I could not get it to come off. I was aware now how much damage I had done. Before when we had looked at each other, it was in love and beautiful, now we were venerable to the other. I could see my sin and his. We hid our eyes from each other. We tried to cover our bodies with fig leaves. We did not want the other to behold our shame. Why did I listen to the serpent? God had never don’t anything that had hurt me or cause me pain. I had known only joy and pleasure in His presences.
We felt the breeze blowing in and we knew that God was coming. For the first time we felt apart from him and we did not wish to be in His presence. We had failed Him, disappoint Him, and disobey Him. We feared that He would no longer love us. We hid ourselves as best we could, but how do you hide from God? He called to us and asked where we were already knowing where we were and what we had done. He still wanted to spend time with His creation. Why else would He have come looking for us? He asked what we had done. Adam point at me and said she made me do it. Then he blamed God for his sin, for God had given me to him. I blamed the serpent for he had tricked me. The truth is we were both at fault and we knew it. We could not fix it so we did not want to admit it. How could we undo it? How could we make it right again?
God cursed first the serpent cause him to now crawl on his belly and eat the dust of the earth continually for his part. He cursed me in that now when I give birth I must endure pain. He cursed the earth that it would not be bountiful with food and life but would instead be full of thorns and thistles. He curse Adam so that only with hard labor and sweat could he provide for his family. He kept his promise that we would die and we could already feel our bodies growing old and tired. He ordered an angel to guard the tree of life that we might not eat of it for if we had there would have been no way back for us. He cursed the animals and for the first time they knew death because of man. No longer would they speak with us but ran in fear from us instead. He shed their blood to make a covering for Adam and me before driving us out of paradise.
We lost everything that day and gain nothing that we thought we would. Adam and I fought that day for the first time. Adam did not trust me as he had before because I had not listened to him. I had blamed him for not keeping the serpent away and not being a better teacher. We were both bitter with each other and were never quite the same again. I think the only reason that we slept together that night was from fear. We could not understand the animal’s voice and they seem mad at us. We woke the next day and had to hunt long and hard for food. We found enough to make our stomach stop growling but now knew what it meant to be hungry. Evening finial came and the blazing sun started down. We were so very lonely and a part of us was missing because God no longer walked with us. We did not know the peace and rest we had when He was there. We understood now what worry and trouble were. We cried ourselves to sleep sorry for all that, we had done for our eyes where truly open as we could see things as God had. We had failed to worship Him as the true and only God.

A few thousand years have passed, but not too much has changed. Just like Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” We all have a choice to sin or not. We all fail. It still has a price of death. It all starts with the same problem the eye and the I. We look at something until we say it is good and we have to have it. It may be the second piece of cake, the neighbor house, sex outside of marriage, pictures of abused kids or the almighty dollar. Next comes I deserve and I have a right to it. If it feels good then I should be able to do it. Pride, Greed and Selfishness still ruin lives.
We listen to the serpent lie that we can be God and we believe because we want to do so. He never speaks the whole truth. We still choose to worship other gods. No the first drink will must like not kill you, but the hundredth may find you in jail for DWI and dying of liver failure. Your first snort of cocaine could lead to your last. Love outside marriage may seem like it hurts no one until you look at divorce rate, kids without fathers, and AIDS victims’. Keeping up with the Jones may give you ulcers or heart attacks. Fitting into that size 0 dress may kill you. Bitterness and unforgiveness leads to cancer or depression. The jails are full and most knew that what they were doing was wrong. They chose to do it anyway.
We still like the blame game. If I had had better parents, if he had not hurt me, if I had known the outcome then I would have not done it. We are not responsible for what was done to us, but how we reacted to it. We are responsible for our actions. We want to say if we say I am sorry then somehow all punishment and consequence should go away. They don’t. If I run up the credit cards, the bills still follow me. If I abuse my child, she may not want to take care of me when I am old. The courts may find me guilty and sentence me to jail. If I fail to read, to study, to listen to God’s plan and obey it, I may find myself kicked out of heaven and into a hell of my own choosing.Like Adam and Eve, life eventually force us to admit that we are not God, we are not all knowing, we are not all powerful, and we are able to wash off the stench of sin.
We still try to add to His word and worship with our many rules and regulations that he did not bind to us. You can’t wear cowboy boots in church or say amen without two committee hearing and a church wide vote.
Just like with Adam and Eve, God still come looking for us knowing all that we have done. He still forgives, and gives us life again. However, it comes at the price and blood of His only Son and only to those who earnestly acknowledge and turn away their sin. He still offers a precious gift of fellowship to any that seek Him, He still longs to walk through the garden hand in hand.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 6-25-10

Friday, June 11, 2010

Syro-Phoenicia Woman

I was passing through the region of Tyre on my master business when I began hearing stories of a great teacher who performed miracles. He was called, Jesus of Nazarene. They said he was unlike the other Rabbis that he had compassion for the people that the others despised and looked down on. The grapevine for anyone that helps the dregs of society travels fast. I am about as low down as they go. I heard stories that he had healed the blind, deaf, and even a leper. I wonder if he could help me. I started looking for someone that had actual been there and knew about him. I found a man whose son he had healed. The boy had palsy and often fell into fire and water. I began to have hope for my daughter.
Like every mother, when your babe is born she is perfect and beautiful. As she turned into a totter, I noticed problems. She did not like to be touched and was slow to talk and walk. Sometimes she would make the strangest noises. I would have to watch her or she would try to hurt herself. As she got older, she would know things that had not yet happen and tell it to others. This pleased some but afterwards she was always worst. She started hear voices when no one was around. I loved my husband but he was not easy to be around when he had been drinking and when he died, my baby was ten times worst. She would try to cut herself and you would hear mean, angry, guttural, male voices coming out of my beautiful child.
When she was little, I had taken her to all the healers. I spend all I had on cures. Not one could help her. It is so hard to watch your child, know that there is something wrong, and not be able to help. If I could, I would have taken her place. Finial the doctors told me that there was nothing they could do for her. I should just to lock her away in chains and get on with my life. I worry about her but I could not give up. I feared what kind of life she would lead because no man would want her for a bride as she is. What would happen to her when I died?
I went to the church and appeal to all the gods. Some blame me for her problems saying it was for my sin she was cursed. Some gave me long impossible list of things that I should do. Most just talked and did whatever it took to get me away, after they had my money. They finial told me she was demon possessed and there was nothing anyone could do. Someone like us was beyond God’s love.
Once I even tried to go to a soothsayer hoping she could at least tell me how to keep her safe. She made it better for a short while then things just got worst again.
I have tried everything I know and nothing has worked. I have sold myself as a bondservant just to have food and a roof for us. I want a future for my child. I want her to have a chance to be happy. This man Jesus, he just has to work. I have to tried to save her, I know the good girl I love is in there somewhere. I see her every now and then. She is all I have I cannot give up.
So, I left and went in search of this man, Jesus. I followed the crowds. When I got near, I cried out to him begging him to free my daughter. Surely if he could heal others, he could do something, anything to make the situation better. He certainly could do no worst. The men close to him keep pushing me away and telling me to leave. I could not I had no other hope. I lost him for a little while when he ducked into a house. When I found him, again I ran through his guards so fast they could not stop me. I fell down at his feet, begging and weeping for him to cast the evil spirits out of my daughter. At first, he ignored me, but I cried unto Him, again saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David: my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil."
I heard Him say to the others that he was sent to look for the lost sheep of Israel and not the gentles. "Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." I griped harder to his feet, cling to them with all my life, and would not let go them. But you did not come looking for me, I plead, but I for You. Must I go away empty? Lord, help me please. God be merciful to me a sinner. I have no hope but you. Let me eat from the crumbs of your table. I am only one and there are many miracles still for the Jews. No one will notice but me. I need you too.
Finally, He consented and with a word, “Be gone” the spirit left my daughter and my child was set free. She fell softly to the ground and you could see the peace and joy in her face. I had her back. My baby was whole again. I ran back again and kissed His feet thanking him. Surely, this was the Son of God, for no one else could do what He has done. I can never repay His love, but He has mine forever.

Kathy Barnes

In America we do not talk much about demons. Here we may know them better as ADHD, OCD, Autism, Anorexic, Bipolar, and Schizophrenia. Regardless of what we call them, Jesus can still heal what the doctors cannot. It may not happen in a day. But, Jesus did heal all that came to Him. Keep holding on and declaring the word for healing in the life of your love ones it will make a difference.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Excuse me, your house is on fire!

Excuse me your house is on fire!

Excuse me, your house is on fire!
I am sorry for waking you, but your house is on fire.
I just thought you should know before you go to sleep forever,
Before the flames burn your skin and you cry out in pain.
And the smoke chokes off your breath of life and you regret the slumber.
I thought you and your family might just want away to escape death.
It is going to get very hot in here and you’re going to want cool water.
I know a much better place to live than here.
My Father has a big house and there is room enough for all.
Please hurry before it is too late to change your mind.
I know we don’t know each other but we would have time to learn.
Excuse me your house is on fire and you ready do need to get out.
The building, the furniture, the computers, the TV, the clothes, and the Money can all be replaced but you cannot. You are special.
It would pain me if I stood by and did nothing and let you burn.
I could not live with myself, so please listen to me and choose life.
It really is the best choice and you will not regret it.
Excuse me your house is on fire and you ready do need to get out, now!

It sound silly that you would have to stand and argue with someone that they need to get out of a burning house, but do we not do the same with God. We are headed for Hell and we don’t want to know it real. He knocks on our door and said there is a way out, we don’t have to die. We just pull the cover back over our heads and go back to sleep grumbling don’t bother me now. Go knock on someone else door.

I am working for the census and the excuses I hear with it are just like the ones I hear people give to God.

1. I would have filled it out but I never got the form. I did not know it was coming and I did not know anyone that could tell me where to get one. I would have been saved but no one ever told me how. How was I suppose to know the answer was in the Bible or that people at church could tell me how? Really, shouldn’t God leave heaven and come down here and tell me himself.

2. How could anyone be expected to fill this out? It is way too long and complicated. Living the Christian life is just too much work I am waiting for a better way that requires me to do nothing, or better yet lets me do whatever feels good without a cost. I don’t want to think or make a choice.

3. I know I should have done it but I just do have time. You always come when it is inconvenient. I need to let the cows in it is about to rain and the boys need to go to their baseball game. Strange we mail the form, send a reminder, I have come by your house three times and left a note with my phone number saying I was trying to get the information. I would have thought at some point there would have been a painless time. We do the same with God. I can’t go to church today it’s my only day to sleep in. I can’t walk the aisle today I am busy I do it next week when things are not as pressing it will be better then. The cross does look that comfortable to me but Christ filled it anyway.

4. Are you sure you did not get it? I know I sent it. It had all my information. I when to church, I walked the aisle, I bought fire insurance was that not enough. Are you sure, my name is not written in the book of life? What I was supposed to know Jesus not just about him? You don’t mean, He really wanted to get to know me?

5. I can’t fill out this form. It just some new idea the government has to get all our money and information. I don’t know about you but the census is only every ten years and the IRS finds me every April 15. It is not a new idea the government has been doing it before the birth of Christ. At least now we don’t have to travel every year back to the place of our birth. I might not should say that to loud the business people might revive it. We do the same with church and preachers. The church only wants our money, our time, and our souls. It is easy for the preacher, he is called for it. God never ask anything of him. It his job not mine to do this work. Why should I do it? I mean it work.

6. One of the houses I went to had weeds in the driveway that came to the bottom of my van’s windows and the house door was covered with cobwebs. According to the neighbors, someone lived there although I never caught him to get him to fill out the forms. Sometimes our lives just get grown over with so many worries and care of life that we miss the one that could save us from the weeds. He knows how to mow them down and send them packing. He knows how to grow good seed.

7. One of the apartments I went to had music blaring, I knock and knock but no one came out. I left a note in the door and they took it out. While I was at the neighbor’s door, they came out and walked by me as if I was not there. I said. “Hi” and they acted as if they could not hear. Some of us have heard and ignored God’s knock so long that we cannot see Him or recognize His voice. We need to be careful because He will not always knock. Just like with the red light special there are only certain times that you can get the deal. If you can still here the call the time to answer it is now.

8. One told me that they got my note. They were just hoping that if they ignored me I would just go away and they could forget about the census as if it never existed. Do not people do the same with Christ? If we do not talk about a real heaven and real hell then I don’t have to worry about them and they will just go away. Not! If you don’t believe me just try that with your bills. Both will find you out in the end.

9. One lady told me that she would not fill out the census because we list unmarried partner as a choice under relationship so we were supporting gay rights. I have found several unmarried partners but no gays yet. Some of us don’t want to come to God because at some point we have to call sin, Sin. The form it takes does not matter. They are all bad enough to deserve death. We just don’t want to admit that we can’t have things our way. We don’t want to submit to someone else rules. We don’t want to ask forgiveness or grant forgiveness to someone else. We want to pretend that we are God and the rules do not apply to us.

10. One lady apologized for not inviting me in from the heat because her house was a mess and she was not dress for company. She had five small kids. I told her it was ok that it would only take a few minutes and she had not seen my house it looked just as bad. Some of us think that we have to clean ourselves up before we can come to God. The trouble is we can’t. We are cleaning with filthy rags. Jesus knew what my house looked liked before He came knocking on my door and chose to come in anyway. He did not condemn my lack of cleanliness just said, “Let me help you get this place in order.” I am glad that God look at the desire of my heart to do right and not the mess that I am wearing because I failed to do so.

11. I am not going to fill out the census I don’t trust the government to do what it says. This one I understand a little better not everything in the census goes as planned nor is perfect. Some people don’t trust God. At times, I have been one of them. It is hard to trust when the bills are due and the paycheck is late or the job is lost. It is hard to trust God when your daughter is on life support or you’re putting a love one in the grave. It is hard to trust God when you are going through divorce and all your friends leave. It is hard to trust God when you said I want and He says, but you don’t need. There is a reason they call it faith. It was hard for Him to take my shame and walk up that hill to Calvary. He too had to trust His Father. But His promises are true and He is ever faithful.

12. One of the houses I went to had a sign, “Dog bites, Don’t Enter.” Some people have been hurt, abused, shunned by the Christian that are suppose to love them and have a big ”Keep Out” sign. So, we don’t enter, but they still need us and God. Sometime they just need to know they count.

13. And then there was lucky number 13 person. His neighbor told me that he had won the lottery and that this was his second home. He was away and would not be back for some time. I really need to speak to him to find out how do I get those winning numbers? Some of us get so caught up in making money, or spending money that we don’t have time to stay home and spend time looking for God. We are so busy He can never find us home willing to sit, have a cup of tea and chat.

14. Why should I be counted? What good does it do and why does anyone need to know? First it is the law that you fill out the census. Second it is used to determine how many votes your state has, how many new school we expect to need, shows what areas of the country are growing fastest. This country is in the biggest mess that I have ever seen, but I am still of the opinion that it is still the best country that ever has been and I am glad to be counted as an American. I am still glad to be called a Christian and want my name on that heavenly roll book and at the end of my days; I want my life to count. No one will remember that I was a biller, teacher, office help, sales clerk and census worker. Some may remember that I was a wife and mother. But, the greats complement will be, “I am in heaven in part because of you.”

15. And then there was man I caught unaware. He was taking an afternoon nap when I knocked. The wood door was open and just his screen door was between his dog and me. His boxer made a dash for the door, fortunately he just wanted to play. The guy was grabbling with one hand for his dog because he did not what her to frighten me and trying to put on his boxers with the other. I told him the dog and I was cool to take his time I could wait. I could wait but one day God will not. No one ever get up as said I think I died today. We all know that it will come, but always think we have just one more minute, one more chance. Will you be caught unaware with your pants down by God?

Excuse me your house is on fire and you ready do need to get out, now! Hell is not the vacation home that you want to retire to one day. You need to get out while you can.
Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-17-2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Salvation Plan

Heaven or Hell the choice is yours. Can you live with your choice?

There is no person Jesus won’t touch or answer when they ask forgiveness, desperate people, discourage people, suffering people, grieving people, tormented people, imperfect people, trashy people, weak people, fearful people, doubtful people, different looking people, those that have made a mess out of their lives, murders, thieves, liars, those guilt of sexual aversions, those that are holier than thou on the outside and dead on the inside. He loves them all but not their sin. He has made away out through the cross. All have a choice to make heaven or hell, to believe or not.

All it takes is a statement: Lord, if your are real I want to know you not just about you. Show yourself to me become real in my life. I need You.

Plan of Salvation
1. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Roman 8:23
2. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
3. Admit you are a sinner: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us. 1 John 1:9 Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7
4. We were therefore buried with Him through baptism. Romans 6:4
5. Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18
6. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10

Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that you died for me on the cross and rose again to give eternal life. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and take total control of my life. Thank You for saving me and making me your child. In Jesus Name. AMEN.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Mother's Love

A Mother’s love knows joy beyond her wildest dreams
When she looking into the face of newborn life
So very small, precious, and priceless.
A Mother’s heart knows pain and she willing to up give her own life
If it would cause her child to be free of pain.
A Mother can be wise or foolish but her hands shape the nations.
Sadly, some only curse the life they made and abandon it.
If she is wise, a mother’s lullabies teach God’s word
And her knees are bend in pray for her children
For as long as they have breathe it is not too late for them.

Eve was the first mother to know the joy of new life and the happiness it brings. She was also the first to know the sorrow of one child killing the other. Her mother’s heart would have been broken with pain. She still mourned for the lost of both.

Hannah cried before the Lord for years longing for a son that she could not bring forth. However, when Samuel was just a twinkle in her eye’s she faithful gave in back to the Lord her most prized gift. Are we willing to do the same?

Rebecca foolishly loved one son more than another and pitted Jacob against Esau.

Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin. What greater love could a mother have? He may never seen her face but she was always there watching over him.

Leah gave birth to one child after another hoping to win their father’s love.

Jochebed risk her life to save her son by placing him in God’s hand. The babe Moses live was spared by floated in a basket in the mighty Nile. He grew up to lead a nation with his brother Aaron, and sister, Miriam because of mother love and wisdom.

Mothers under Harold’s rule weep for children ripped from their arms and could not be comforted for they were no more. Today mothers likewise weep for those lost in war, to cancer, accidents, or abortions and would give anything for one more minute with them.

Abigail gave birth to Daniel only to have him led away as a captive prisoner. Did she see his return to power or him lying with loins?

Hagar was send away by her husband and abandon in the deserts. She pleaded with the Lord for Ishmael life and won his blessing.

Bathsheba was the adulterous woman yet her son Solomon sat upon the throne of David.

Rahab was harlot turned mother of Godly Boaz and great grandmother of Jesus.

Elizabeth gave birth in her later years to the greatest son born of woman John the Baptist. Just as Sarah gave birth in old age to Isaac.
Did she every wonder am I to old for this?

Mary mother of Jesus was able to see his miracle and wisdom. She would have been so proud. She also saw her child brutally murdered. What pain and loss she must have felt.

The Canaanite women beg Jesus to free her daughter from demon possession showing much faith and persistent to win her wish for her daughter to have a chance again at life.

The Shunem women trusted in the Prophet Elisha to bring her son back from the dead. She went riding at full speed to bring the healer to her son.

Salome not knowing what she was asking requested her son James and John to sit at Christ's right hand. Like most mother she wanted the best for her sons.

Eunice and her mother Lois taught Peter on their knees the love of God and raised a Godly man even with a father that was not a believer.

Maybe you recognize yourself or your mother.
Maybe you long to have a good mother
That was willing to say, “I love You, no matter what!”
God has a mother’s heart
He will love You, no matter what!
He died for you to have life.
He can heal and bind up all your wounds.
Like all mothers, He forgive His children.
He loves to give good gifts to His children.
Let him hold you in His arms of Love.
Let Him be a mother to you and teach you how to be a mother.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-6-2010

Monday, April 5, 2010


Angels above never cease to praise and adore the Almighty God.
Believers below bow before the Bread of life.
Creatures that creep, and crawl prostrate themselves before the Creator.
Devoted hands are lifted to glorify God’s deliverance of man.
Eagles soar high into the heaven to extol their joyful praises.
Falling down before the cross, the faithful weep at the foot of it.
Gentiles glories in the goodness and grace of God’s gift to man.
Hallelujah, holy, and hosanna are proclaim in honor the Son of God
Israel and Incense are lifted up, as God inhabits his children praise.
Jubilant Jews will dance in the streets of New Jerusalem.
Kisses of believers will be given to feet of the King for his kindness.
Lion and lamb alike will leap for joy at the sight of the giver of life.
Majestic mountains will magnify the Messiah’s mercies.
Notes of the harps, trumpets, and all nature sing to the Nazarene.
Obedient servants offer the sacrifice of praise to He who overcomes.
Priest sent up prayers and praise unto the presences of perfect one.
Quietly and Quickly the angles respond to His every command.
Righteous, respect, reverence, and rejoicing are release when He is near.
Salvation song rings the splendor of His sacrifice to save sinful man.
Thanks, and tribute can never tell enough of His truth and love.
Unending, unlimited awe is uttered before the throne of Christ.
Veneration and Victory are God’s vow to man’s voice crying for mercy.
Warriors welcome the wonders of the wounds that heal worthless souls.
eXcellentence of the exalted one existence is expose for all to see.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow will yield to Yahweh’s glory.
Zion is zealous for manifestation of His return. Blessed be His name.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 6-1-09

Who stands for me?

Who will stand for me and tell the world about me?
How can they come to me if no one speaks for me?
Will you tell them of my love?
A love that started before they were born.
And that reaches across the hands of time.
A love that would reach from heaven throne
And rested as a babe inside a stable manager.
A love that desires to meet man’s every need
And give love, hope, joy, and peace.
A love that woes their heart with everlasting love
And calls longingly for His bride.
A love that knit them wonderfully and skillfully inside the womb.
And that at the perfect moment birth life into them.
A love that reached out to them with arms open wide.
And that searched and called for them to come home.
A love that directs your paths and steps
And tell them where to stop and rest.
A love that saw their sin and hopelessness
And built a bridge back home where there was none.
A love that is selflessly, flawless, and complete.
And took their shame upon the cross.
A love that looked Death and Hell in the face
And said you are defeated, I have won.
A love that sent heaven’s angels to minister to man
And set upon the judgment seat, wait for the last man to come
Answering His call to come back home.

Who will stand for me?
Who will tell the world about me?
Will it be you? Are you up to the task?
Will you give a cup of water in my name to thirsty in the Sudan?
Will you give living water to their soul?
Will you give a sandwich to the homeless?
Will you bless them with living bread?
Can you translate my word into another language so that they can understand?
Will you hand out a Bible?
Can you travel to the mission field and become a fisherman of man?
Can you give up a treasured dollar to help others reach a soul?
Do you have a voice, to raise in song or praise?
Can you preach or share my word?
Will you write a letter to speak for Israel or the Jewish people?
Will you vote to save to unborn?
Will you do what right when no one is looking?
Will you serve your boss as if he were I?
Can you be a friend to those who are unloved?
Will you serve a Mom or Dad to those who have none?
Can you sent a package to a service man?
Can you encourage the dishearten and weary?
Can you put your arms around the batter, abused or raped?
Can you reach out to those trying to kill their pain with drugs, alcohol, or sex?
Will you shed a tear for who live in fear and hopelessness?
Can you cry with those who have lost spouse, parent or child?
Can you visit a prison or a nursing home?
Can you send a card to remind someone that I love them?
Will you pick up the phone and invite someone to study God word?
Can you give a bowl of chicken soup?
Can you anoint the sick with healing hands?
Will you love your spouse and kids as I have loved you?
Will you take your kids to church?
Will you give up your time to pray for others souls?
Can you rock a babe to sleep with God’s lullaby?
Can you teach a class in my name?
Will you invite your neighbor to come?
Will you forgive someone who hurt you?
Will you pray for your enemy’s salvation
Including those who wage a Holy War against us?
Will you live your life in such a way to make them ask of me?
Can you show my joy even in the hard times? Other’s are looking at you.
Can you still trust me, even when you can’t see what I doing?
Will you lay down your life for me and take up my cross?
Would you go to jail for me, or take a bullet for me?
No one can do it all, everyday. What can you do today?
Who will stand for me? Who will tell the world what I have done?
Will it be you or will you fail one more time to do what I have asked?
Time is running out, soon there will be no more time to act?
What will you say to those you failed to love? What will you say to me?
Kathy Barnes
Copyright 3-21-09

Who am I?

I am the child unwanted, unloved and unplanned.
I am the woman that is batter and broken.
I am the imperfect, ugly and fat
Even the love I give is unacceptable.
I am rejected by husbands, church, and man.
I am the ungifted, untalented, lacking value
That will never amount to anything.
I am the homeless and the sick.
I am the poor and defenseless
That is overlooked or picked on.
I am the worker no one wants
And the floor mat everyone takes from.
I am lonely and abandoned
By those that should have love me.
And left to make it on my own.
I am a powerless victim
I am void of all hope and love
That would welcome the comfort of a grave.
This is who the world said that I am.

Those who become Christians become new persons. I am not the same anymore for the old life is gone. A new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17
I am confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

I am loved so much that God would give up his only son
that I might have an everlasting life. John 3:16
I am loved so much that God would accept me
And adopt me as His own precious child. Galatians 4:5
See how very much our heavenly Father loves me,
for He allows me to be called his child and I really am. 1 John 3:1
Before I formed in the womb, He knew me;
And before I was born I was consecrated to You. Jer 1:5
For You didst from my inward parts;
You didst weave me in my mother’s womb.
You caused me to be fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are You works, And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book they were all written,
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them. Ps 139: 13-16
But God demonstrated His own love toward me, that while I was yet a sinners, Christ died for me. Romans 5:8
Christ did seek the lost, bring me back, bind up my brokenness, and strengthening my sick. He will feed His flock and give them rest. Ezekiel 34: 15-16
He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement for my peace and by His stripes I am healed Is 53:4-5
Christ heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Ps 147:3
Christ pardons all my iniquities, heals all my diseases,
He redeems my life from the pit,
And crowns me with loving kindness and compassion,
He satisfied my years with good things
So that my youth is renewed like the eagles. Ps 103: 3-5
God has said, “ I will never, never fail you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13: 5
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:18
“I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Roman 8:28
My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
The Lord will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3
O taste and see that the Lord is good: How blessed is the man that takes refuge in Him! Ps 34: 8
The Lord is a strong fortress. The Godly run to him and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
My God, my rock in whom I take refuge;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
And I am saved from my enemies. PS 18:2-3
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Ps 46:1
Cast your burden upon the lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken Ps 55:22

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-19-09

What Will You Do, With Him?

The sky was dark and gloomy; the sun had gone away,
I walked the crooked path leading to my death,
Only now at the end did I find its bitter sting.
Its mouth opened wide to the gates of Hell.
Now as I slip ever closer to the pit awaiting me
Does its true and hideous form appear.
The smoke so thick it takes my breath away,
The flames so hot they burn my skin.
I struggle to get away, but cannot break free.
Why did I run to it, and not turn back to Thee?
I heard the warnings ring,
But surely they did not apply to me.
I listened only to my own heart
Black and black could be
Lost without a light, not know I was blind.
Why go to church it’s full of hypocrites?
I said, “I know best, I know right.”
They are only little sins, hardly worth the mention.
I told myself they hurt only me, and not others.
No harm in indulging myself, after all I was worth it.
What harm was there for me to try to be like God?
Surely, I was the master of my own fate,
There could be no harm in my works.
Works are good. Are they not?
It is not as if I am not better than my neighbor is.
His sins are large as timbers and mine a mere speck.
I could never do what God asked, it would cost too much
And someone might see me and think me less than perfect.
So I let my heart believe its own lies.
I felt Your gentle pull on my heart,
I turn a deaf ear to Your word.
I rejected those who tried to witness
And tell me of Your undying love.
I will deal with it someday, When I have nothing else to do.
I will deal with it sometime, When I have nothing else to lose.

I dreamed I stood before my Judge and Maker.
My time now up, my last chance gone.
Trembling in fear and shame, I fell down.
For now I saw what holiness is.
I saw my heart for the filthy vile container it is.
Now I know what justice demands.
I have been found lacking, having missed my mark
My balance now due, the cost my life, now forfeited.
Oh, how could I have been so blind?
He took my place, He took my cross,
He took my nails, He took my crown.
My debt was paid, but I would not take the gift.
He offered me life eternal and abundant
And love that stretches beyond time itself,
When he opened up his arms wide and died for me.
He offered me healing and forgiveness.
He offered me a mansion on streets paved with gold.
He offered me sweet, sweet fellowship at his feet.
Yet I had turned the other way, and said not good enough.

When I awoke I fell upon my face, For it was not too late for me.
The shouts of a thousand angels filled the sky,
For one more pitiful sinner had turn back home.
The light so pure, cleaned and washed my sin away
And made my soul white with His righteousness.
Joy, Peace, Mercy, Forgiveness flooded deep within my soul.
Healed all my pain and dried away my tears.
Now I cry only bring me closer to Thee, do not let me leave You.
Make me your image; mold me to Your likeness.
Glory, Honor, and all praise be unto Him who rescued me
And saved me for His own.
My love, my heart, and my soul yours, forever grateful.
May I never take my eyes off You, may I never disappoint You.
May I never fail to tell others what You have done for me
And what You will do for them.
For there is none like You. You who give so much and ask so little.
You are beautiful, awesome, powerful, true, never changing.
Your way is best, Your path straight, Your yoke easy.
You have loved me before my first breath, You bring only blessings to me.
Why did I wait so long? What did I fear? I do not know.
What is your excuse? Will you choose before it is too late?
Or will you only bow your knee when all choice is gone?
What greater pain could there be than to know what could have been?
To never feel those loving arms or look into the Father’s eyes?
I will never regret my choice, Can you say the same?
What will you do with him?

Kathy Barnes
Copyrighted 2-4-08

The Precious Blood of Jesus

Many, many years ago, God made a covenant of blood
With our father Abraham and his many children yet unborn
Honored year by year by shedding blood that ran as rivers
To cover the sins of Adam’s children for another year.
Two thousand year ago, He made a better covenant
Born of the sacrifice of the blood of a spotless lamb,
The first-born child of Mary, and only child of God.
The precious blood that once and forever washed
Man’s sins away and leaving him white as snow.
It was for me His blood was open and spilled out.
It was shed as large drops sweat fell from an anguished face
Grieved to the point of death in the Garden of Gethsemane
Asking for this cup to pass and that He might be released
From the pressure, trails and temptations to come.
They fell as He surrendered His will to the Father’s will.
They fell for I would need His strength to overcome my own trails.
In Herod’s court, He was bruised and beaten for my iniquity.
There he took the wickedness of man inside him
Bleeding internally for the evil and injustices of man.
His innocent blood cleansing my heart and sanctifying it
For only it has the power to wash away my sin.
They placed upon His sacred hallowed head
Not a crown of gold, but a crown of thorns to prick His brow.
As His divine blood was running free, it covered my mind
Freeing it to find victory over Satan lies and releasing me to life.
A cat of nine tails open up His back until the bone was seen.
Scourged to near death He bled for my wellbeing,
So that I might receive total healing in body, mind and spirit.
As a lamb lead to slaughter He headed up Cavalry’s hill.
Hands that offered up blessing and anointing of their creator
Were open wide and nailed in shame to an old wooden cross.
From there His love was poured out as a gift from the Father
To restore, redeem, and purchase sinful man from death’s curse.
The feet that walked on water, too were driven to the stake.
The blood footprints show us the way that we are to walk.
Pointing out the step of ministry that we are to take.
Reminding us of the cost the Father and the Son paid for us.
Last the soldier pierced the side of Jesus
As blood and water burst forth in one last act of love.
The blood that covered my death to self and my resurrection to life
Was poured out lavishly and profusely over me that day.
Nothing but that holy blood has the power to revive my soul.
It cannot be bought or earned, but only freely given and received.
Why He chose to do so for me I will never understand.
Jesus blood is more precious that gold, diamonds, or riches untold
For you see it should have been my blood upon that tree.
When I could not meet the burden of the law
God made a way to bring me back into living covenant
Feeding me with the bread of life and giving me living water to drink
That I might again be filled with glory of fragrance of His love.
Forever will I surround to that precious, treasured. beloved blood
For my salvation rest in the Messiah blood alone.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 3-2010

The Promise

I have been angry with God and I have been put to shame.
This clay has said to the potter, “What are you doing?”
I lack understand and wisdom. I thought myself equal to God.
I said I know best and this is not fair.
I presented my case, brought forward my strongest argument.
I cried to God to explain to me His reasoning
But He did not answer me for I was a fool.
Woe has come to me because I have quarreled with my Maker.
The justice due me did not escape the notice of my God
Because of my raging and grumbling against Him
And because of my arrogance and pride.
His hand of blessing He removed from me
And gave to me instead a hook for my nose
That I might learn humility, my power, and my wisdom.
Depression and sorrows were my only friend
And the little faith I had abandon me.
I wandered in the wilderness for many days
Until thirst and starvation over took me.
I could not stand before the consuming fire of the Holy One
And the continual burning within the bitterness of my soul.
As I lay dying I remembered my true form and my spirit cried out,
Was it not the Lord, against whom I have sinned,
And in whose ways I would not walk, and would not obey?
Jesus Christ forgive me once again I begged.
Restore me to health and let me live!
I will again bow my knee to Your will.
I will again offer up to You the sacrifice of Praise.
I will again give thank for all that You have done.
I will again declare Thy faithfulness and goodness.
I will again fall down from the weight of Your Holiness.
I will again bask in Your presences and wonder.
I will again serve my Maker and Creator.
I will again be a witness of Your love.

Not because I deserved it or merit it, but for His own sake
He heard my cry and answered me in His faithfulness.
I will not give My glory to another,
Nor my praise to graven images.
I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
And I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.
You have burdened Me with your sins,
You have wearied me with your iniquities.
Yet you have not relied on me and have become weary of Me.
It is I who wipe out your transgression for My own sake.
It is I who choose to remember them no more.
You have rejected me, but I not rejected you
Because you have humbled yourself at the foot of the cross.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
But my Word stands forever
My covenant of love I will not break.
You are my servant, whom I have chosen
Descendant of Abraham, my friend.
I am your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb
I have created you for My glory
And you will not be forgotten by me for I am faithful.
I called you by your name, and gave you a title of honor
Though you did not yet know me.
Do not fear, for I am with you,
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am Your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help You,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are Mine!
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched.
Since you are precious in My sight,
Since you are honored and I love you
I will give other men in your place
And other peoples in exchange for your life.
Do not fear, for I am for you.
I will never leave or forsake you.
Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
Nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing,
Shall be able to separate you from my love.
There is no longer any condemnation in you
For you are know my adopted child set free from slavery.
I am conforming you into the image of my Son.
I will cause all things to work together for your good and my purpose.
You can trust me because heaven and earth will pass away
But My word never will. It is every faithful every true.
It will not return to me void without accomplishing
That which I sent it forth for I am the Great I AM.
It is my good pleasure to give to you every good gift
And every spiritual blessing so that you want for nothing.
Place your faith in me and you will see that it will be.
But above all be still and know that you are loved.
Open up yourself to receive all of me for there
You will find my mercy, my joy, my peace, my hope and my healing.
When the storms come and you cannot see my hand
Look into my face, my eyes, and my heart
And know that all is well with your soul
For He that is in you in greater that he that is in the world.
You have sow in tears but shall reap with joyful shouting
For the Lord your God, the Rock on which you stand
Promises are forever true regardless of what you do.

Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Thy word.
It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy statutes.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 2-3-2010

The Miracle

The Miracle

Two thousand years ago a miracle occurred
For man’s only hope for life, joy and a future
Came down to rest upon unholy ground of mankind.
A miracle occurred for God left heaven’s glorious throne
To live as mortal man in this cursed abode of Adam’s making.

In the fragility of this babe lay the promise of God’s faithfulness.
It so frighten the prince of this earth that he tried to destroy him
Causing his family to have to flee in the middle of the night
While Rachel mourned and could not be comforted
For her children who were no more destroyed by the evil one.
Still a miracle occurred for David’s heir was protected by a dream.
Mankind redeemer lived.

A voice crying in the wilderness announced Messiah’s ministry
And reminded Satan that his time was short to reign.
As he done with Esau the tempter tried to buy Jesus’ birthright,
He tried to trick Christ into temping God to rescue him.
He endeavor to lure and entice the King of kings and Lord of Lord
By offering up a quick and easy way out God’s plan.
A miracle occurred for God’s son was wiser than the serpent
And did not try to be exalted above the Almighty.

Messiah’s arrived humbly on a donkey amidst the fickle praise of man.
He looked compassionately on those he came to save and wept
For they knew Him not and could not recognize Immanuel presence.
Satan saw his chance and deceived Judas into betraying him with a kiss.
The cup that now lay before Jesus was a bitter one to swallow.
The road that he faced was painful, full of sorrow and suffering.
He asked that it be removed, but bowed to His Father’s will.
This perfect holy sinless man agreed to take my sin and shame.
A miracle occurred for he remember my helpless estate
And considered it above his own rights and pleasure.

The Satan and his demons Sorrow and Suffering
Were drunk with joy for they had momentary victory
As the Messiah was nailed to the cross.
Sin and Shame pierce his hands and feet
While Death celebrated, his mighty battle won.
But a miracle occurred for Christ open wide his arms
And chose to stay on the cross for my sake
And said, “This is how much I love you.”
A miracle occurred for I now knew
The gift of love and just what it cost.

Satan’s carousing and revelry came to a sudden stop
When Jesus took the keys from Death’s hand
And open wide the prisons doors setting his captives free.
Too late Lucifer cried, “ What have I done! How did I lose?”
A miracle had occurred for God so loved the world
That he had given his only son.
The gift of life was mine, if I but opened it.
Death no longer was my cruel master.

Just as He had once come looking for lost sheep
I now came to seeking to find the shepherd’s body.
The two angels from God’s mercy seat
Now sat waiting at the head and foot
Of the slab that once held his body
And announced, “He is risen.”
The napkin that covered his face was
Folded neatly as if to say, “ I am coming back”
A miracle occurred for my bridge back
To God was finished and complete.

My debt had been paid in full, my sin forgiven.
My cold black heart melted at such love
Barely able to comprehend just what had happen.
I fell in awe at the wonder of it all.
At the mighty name of Jesus, I bowed my knee
And cried out for forgiveness and mercy.
My scarlet sins now wash a white as new fallen snow.
The angels that Christ held back at the cross
Were now blowing trumpets, and dancing in the streets
For a sinner had come home.
A miracle occurred for I was adopted as a child of God
Christ’s robe of righteousness placed on me
And I was giving me access to come once more before the Father.

He sent His Holy Spirit down as a mighty rushing wind
His grace and mercy encompassed my soul and sealing it forever.
A sacred fire fell down setting my heart ablaze with love
That I might share Him with others.
He sent a quiet voice to guide and teach me his ways
And a jealous spirit to pull me ever near to Him.
A miracle occurred for the Great I AM lives inside of me
And He fills me with His power and life though I deserve it not.

Soon He will return again for His bride
The signs say that the time is near
I looking with longing for my beloved
Eager once more to see his face
To hear His heart beat in unison with mine.
I desire to see Him in his full glory
With all the respect and honor that He deserves.
A miracle will occur that day for we will be in heaven.
Home forever more with all eternity to bask in His love
And Satan will know his finial defeat condemned forever to Hell.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 2-12-2010

The Miracle

Two thousand years ago a miracle occurred
For man’s only hope for life, joy and a future
Came down to rest upon unholy ground of mankind.
A miracle occurred for God left heaven’s glorious throne
To live as mortal man in this cursed abode of Adam’s making.

In the fragility of this babe lay the promise of God’s faithfulness.
It so frighten the prince of this earth that he tried to destroy him
Causing his family to have to flee in the middle of the night
While Rachel mourned and could not be comforted
For her children who were no more destroyed by the evil one.
Still a miracle occurred for David’s heir was protected by a dream.
Mankind redeemer lived.

A voice crying in the wilderness announced Messiah’s ministry
And reminded Satan that his time was short to reign.
As he done with Esau the tempter tried to buy Jesus’ birthright,
He tried to trick Christ into temping God to rescue him.
He endeavor to lure and entice the King of kings and Lord of Lord
By offering up a quick and easy way out God’s plan.
A miracle occurred for God’s son was wiser than the serpent
And did not try to be exalted above the Almighty.

Messiah’s arrived humbly on a donkey amidst the fickle praise of man.
He looked compassionately on those he came to save and wept
For they knew Him not and could not recognize Immanuel presence.
Satan saw his chance and deceived Judas into betraying him with a kiss.
The cup that now lay before Jesus was a bitter one to swallow.
The road that he faced was painful, full of sorrow and suffering.
He asked that it be removed, but bowed to His Father’s will.
This perfect holy sinless man agreed to take my sin and shame.
A miracle occurred for he remember my helpless estate
And considered it above his own rights and pleasure.

The Satan and his demons Sorrow and Suffering
Were drunk with joy for they had momentary victory
As the Messiah was nailed to the cross.
Sin and Shame pierce his hands and feet
While Death celebrated, his mighty battle won.
But a miracle occurred for Christ open wide his arms
And chose to stay on the cross for my sake
And said, “This is how much I love you.”
A miracle occurred for I now knew
The gift of love and just what it cost.

Satan’s carousing and revelry came to a sudden stop
When Jesus took the keys from Death’s hand
And open wide the prisons doors setting his captives free.
Too late Lucifer cried, “ What have I done! How did I lose?”
A miracle had occurred for God so loved the world
That he had given his only son.
The gift of life was mine, if I but opened it.
Death no longer was my cruel master.

Just as He had once come looking for lost sheep
I now came to seeking to find the shepherd’s body.
The two angels from God’s mercy seat
Now sat waiting at the head and foot
Of the slab that once held his body
And announced, “He is risen.”
The napkin that covered his face was
Folded neatly as if to say, “ I am coming back”
A miracle occurred for my bridge back
To God was finished and complete.

My debt had been paid in full, my sin forgiven.
My cold black heart melted at such love
Barely able to comprehend just what had happen.
I fell in awe at the wonder of it all.
At the mighty name of Jesus, I bowed my knee
And cried out for forgiveness and mercy.
My scarlet sins now wash a white as new fallen snow.
The angels that Christ held back at the cross
Were now blowing trumpets, and dancing in the streets
For a sinner had come home.
A miracle occurred for I was adopted as a child of God
Christ’s robe of righteousness placed on me
And I was giving me access to come once more before the Father.

He sent His Holy Spirit down as a mighty rushing wind
His grace and mercy encompassed my soul and sealing it forever.
A sacred fire fell down setting my heart ablaze with love
That I might share Him with others.
He sent a quiet voice to guide and teach me his ways
And a jealous spirit to pull me ever near to Him.
A miracle occurred for the Great I AM lives inside of me
And He fills me with His power and life though I deserve it not.

Soon He will return again for His bride
The signs say that the time is near
I looking with longing for my beloved
Eager once more to see his face
To hear His heart beat in unison with mine.
I desire to see Him in his full glory
With all the respect and honor that He deserves.
A miracle will occur that day for we will be in heaven.
Home forever more with all eternity to bask in His love
And Satan will know his finial defeat condemned forever to Hell.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 2-12-2010