Monday, April 5, 2010

The Precipice

We stand at a dangerous precipice. We need to remove the veil from our eyes before we take another step or we will fall to death.

Israel once had the mighty God, I AM, as their protector and provider. They asked to be like all the other nations and have a king instead. This nation was founded on God, but we too have turn to government for all the answers. Our President has stated that we are not and have never been a Christian nation. We have taken God out of our schools and children are no longer taught the nation true roots. They cannot pray to God but can be required to recite Islamic prayers in the name of tolerance and understanding. Our courts have ruled against God’s laws (abortion being one example) and one state has already adopted Muslin law. Our dependence on the government bailouts and handouts is leading us from an economic crises to a world government and loss of freedom. What our soldiers have fought and died for we are handing over with our inactions. God will not force Himself on this nation, and He has already started to remove His hand and allow us to have the leader we have chosen. God has said to American what he said to Israel. (1 Samuel 8:7) “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them.” We need to remember the king he promised to reign over us will take your sons and daughters as soldiers and slaves, will take the best of your fields and harvest, and be a cruel master. However, when the day comes and we cry out against this king the Lord will not hear us if we continue in sin. 2 Chronicles 7:14 said, “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Do you love this nation? Why are our pews not full of Christian begging for forgiveness for her? Why are we not on our faces asking His forgiveness for our idolatry, for God is a jealous God and we are not to chase after other gods? Are you making your voice heard to Uncle Sam?

Moses was a mighty man of God handpicked by God to lead the His people to the promise land. The law was given first to Moses and then to the people. It was with him that God spoke face to face and reviled His heart and mind. Because Miriam spoke again God’s servant Moses she was leprous, (Number 12:9). Korah and two hundred others assembled together against Moses and Aaron and said to them. “You have gone far enough, for all the congregation are holy, everyone of them, and the Lord is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?”( Number 16:3) For this action, the Lord open the grounds mouth and swallow them up and they descend alive into Sheol. (Number 16:20)
We still have might men of God called by God to be the shepherds of His flocks. Today many are afraid to speak God’s truth for the people only want a feel good messages. People have lost the sense of right and wrong because of it. Most church members come out of habit, not true desire. At best they want to know about God, but not to know Him for knowing Him would cost. Sadly, they often leave the way they came in untouched for they do not receive His word. These lost sheep are not willing to follow the direction of the shepherd unwilling to change their directions or desires. We need to catch the vision of godly preachers and follow in their footsteps. We need to trust those that we elected as pastors to guide us. The Lord is pouring out a new revitalized spirit across this land, one that is needed for the end times, one that is powerful enough to perform miracles and make a difference in lives. We much shake off our fears and embrace it. We need to rediscover the joy of worship and stop looking like dead men walking. We need to find God’s heart for the lost. We need to be happy with nothing less than knowing all of Him and getting lost in His love being our greatest desire.

Why are our church empty? Is there any long a difference between the world and us? Why are people leaving instead of getting right with God? Do you know a church where a godly man is preaching? You need to be in it. Do you know a man filled with the spirit of God? You need to be following his teaching and example.
Anyone with any spiritual eye can tell you that the end times are here. Everything points to Jesus return. Today or tomorrow, I do not know, but soon. When He comes back, will you be hiding in fear or dancing with glee? There is a way that seen right to man but lead to death. There is a chasm between God and man, and we stand on the precipice separated by our sin. Soon it will be too late to choose between heaven and hell. Not that we ever did, but now more than ever we do not have the luxury of putting off the decision to follow God or not. Jesus is that bridge have you accepted Him? He is the way, the truth and life. Choose life while you still can. Are you saved, great are you doing anything to lead others to Him? Are you serving Him? Are you looking for His return?

We stand on the precipice. Lord remove the veil before we take another step our nation, Your bride the church, and our souls depend on it. Without you we will die. Open up our eyes to see the spirit’s call to heavenly things and not just this world. Open our ears that we may hear God’s voice and not Satan lies. Let us follow Jesus footsteps even if it means we must walk on water. Let our spirit’s voice swell up in us and call with moaning of heart to know God’s love and presence once again in our life. Melt our hearts and give us a willing spirit. Let us look again to see Christ’s face and not just His hand. Hear again your wayward child’s call for forgiveness and healing. Accept again Your bride’s praise and joyful worship. Fill us once again with the joy, love, peace, hope and power of Your name. Give to us the wisdom to follow Your call where ever it may take us.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 12-31-09

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