Thursday, April 1, 2010

Glory Surrendered

Man was created by a living God’s
It has always been God’s ideal to rule over His people.
As any good and loving father would, He loved his children.
Many years ago, the Israelites rejected Him as King
And instead asked Samuel to appoint one at Mizpah.
We too have rejected our God given rights in exchange for a king.
This nations was started and was based on religious freedoms.
It was established on the desire to understand and worship God.
The founders choose to follow the Bible’s laws and principles.
They called this nation legislature together with prayer
And published America’s first Bible for school.
Because of this beginning America has prosper as no other nation.
We were a light to the lost, spreading the gospel, protecting Israel
A breadbasket to the world, brought healing to the sick,
And defended the weak and helpless.
However, at some point we have turn away from Him
And started worshiping the government, that cannot save us.
We have left God’s blessings changing out our glory
For that which does not profit us and bring us shame.
We have proudly said, “That God so loves us
He will not allow or judge us as he did Israel.”
Like them we have listen to the false prophets
That say misfortune will not come on us
And we will not see sword or famine,
But we are just as wrong as desert wanders
For a loving God can only hold back judgment for so long.
We have acted like foolish children
Lacking understand or obeisance.
We have surrendered our rights to unholy courts.
Is there one left who seeks truth and justice,
Or do they only seek their hidden agendas and grasps for power?
Votes are bought with special project, funds from unions, and lobbies.
We have filled this land with the blood of the innocent lives
And our jails with those that practice every
Kind of debauchery and wickedness that man can imagine.
We have polluted and abused our promised land
And filled it with detestable idols and abomination.
Our sons and daughters died far away in distant lands
And those that return disabled are not honored as they should be.
We have placed our trust in the deceptive words of the elite.
Government leader’s tongues are a deadly arrow speaking deceit.
Corrupt men claim to know more than God, more than the people.
They trust only in their own wisdom and refuse Godly counsel.
We work and work only to turn it over to another.
We have exchange our sons’ and daughters’ futures
For Promises of Pie in the Sky, and the belief that we are owed.
We have sold their birthright to take the debt off our backs.
They like us are slaves to our lenders
Be they credit cards, banks or foreign countries.
We believe in our riches and power of the works of our own hands.
Until His hands bring down the stock markets and banks,
Until we leave the shadow of His wings and towers fall,
Until we cry out for relief from jobless hunger and homelessness.
The shepherd has led His flock away from God
And into the friendship of the world.
Our preachers rule under their own authority
His sheep perish for they do not know His ordinance.
Not standing up for truth and justice.
They do not ask encourage people to vote
Or ask the questions that God would ask of His leaders.
Is he an able man, is he a man of truth,
Does he fear God or does he covet power and fame?
The stubbornness of unrepentant hearts will bring
Calamity and destruction upon this land in judgment.
The Lion of Judea will cause the earth to quake
And nations to fall before the indignation of His wrath.
We need to turns form our evil ways, and ask forgiven
So that He will relent concerning the calamity and destruction
That we brought on ourselves and heal this land.
We need to turn back to our first love and hope.
We can fear the future or look to the one who can change it.

Kathy Barnes
Copyrighted 3-12-2010

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