Thursday, April 1, 2010

God's Love

God looked into the future and made a perfect plan,
A holy gift, who would redeem man’s fall
With the precious blood of the spotless lamb
Because He was love and could do no less.

Then He spoke and world came into being,
The heavens formed and land was made.
He spoke again and from the dust man was created.
Molded in God’s own image, He breathed life into man’s soul.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

He walked daily in the beautiful and bountiful garden
That He had given man to meet his every need
He gave to man dominion over all,
Even the choice to do between Man’s will and His Father’s
In the cool of the dawn, God spoke quietly to his heart.
The proud Father glorying in His child, blessing him
And the entire world was right.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

Then one day the child rebelled against his Father.
Not content to be, who he was, the apple of his father’s eye,
But sought to be equal to his maker.
Thinking he could contain the wisdom of the ages,
And take the power from his Father’s hand.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
How could this be happening?

The Father although His heart was breaking,
Let his son walk away, even as He called come home.
The Father did not strike in anger, but instead pleaded,
I will forgive you and forget, if only you will turn back to me.
I love you still more than you know.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

He said, “I cannot leave them, helpless with no way out.
I cannot let them die and turn back to dust with no hope.
One day they will remember the sweet love we shared,
And want the hole inside their soul filled again with love.”

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

Jesus choose to leave His throne,
He choose to leave His kingdom.
He choose to become a mere helpless baby,
Born to young virgin girl.
He choose to obey an earthly father, and a heavenly one as well.
The hands that made the trees now fashioned it for man’s use.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

All He saw his father do above, he did here below.
He healed the blind, the deaf, and dumb.
He healed the leper and lame.
He gave hope to the broken hearted.
He raised the dead. He commanded the demons to leave.
He feed the crowds, He feed His sheep.
He protected His flock and went looking for lost sheep.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

But Jesus never forgot the love of His Father above.
He loved His Father with all His heart and soul.
And just as His Father had loved man, So did he.
So He counted the cost, and did what His father asked
To build a bridge back for Mankind.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

The son that never had known sin, became sin
Taking the helpless man’s place of shame.
He took man’s crown of thorns, his bruises and his pain,
He took man’s jeers and curses.
He took man’s nails and his cross.
He walked the lonely hill to Calvary.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

The angels that fill the heavens with song at his birth
Now waited with swords drawn for a single word or sigh
Had He but spoken they would have freed him,
They would have made man answer for his arrogance.
But instead their tears fill the sky with rain
And they closed the window of heaven so God could not see.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

And in the end Christ took man’s place,
Alone, cut off from God, dying in an empty shell.
No longer could He see his Father’s face.
In obedience He open wide his arms in love,
His blood, His life He lay down freely.
And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

They placed His lifeless body in an empty tomb.
So hurried were they, not even a proper burial
Was given to the King of Kings, The Son of God.
Man thought his hopes and dreams were gone.
Only the angels understood its meaning.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

From the pit of Hell and Death, light sprung forth
As He arose with the key to eternal life, the battle won.
The one that once deceived man now lay defeated.
Not knowing just what had happen.
Just a minute ago, he had thought he had won.

And all the angels cried at the sight of it
For they could not believe their eyes
Or comprehend His love.

The angels now bow at Christ’s feet in heaven.
They never cease to sing His praises.
Jesus still waits patiently for the last victory ride.
And like His Father He still calls to all who will
Come Home before it is too late.
What more can I do to show you,
How deeply you are loved?

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 07-20-08

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