Monday, April 5, 2010

The Miracle

Two thousand years ago a miracle occurred
For man’s only hope for life, joy and a future
Came down to rest upon unholy ground of mankind.
A miracle occurred for God left heaven’s glorious throne
To live as mortal man in this cursed abode of Adam’s making.

In the fragility of this babe lay the promise of God’s faithfulness.
It so frighten the prince of this earth that he tried to destroy him
Causing his family to have to flee in the middle of the night
While Rachel mourned and could not be comforted
For her children who were no more destroyed by the evil one.
Still a miracle occurred for David’s heir was protected by a dream.
Mankind redeemer lived.

A voice crying in the wilderness announced Messiah’s ministry
And reminded Satan that his time was short to reign.
As he done with Esau the tempter tried to buy Jesus’ birthright,
He tried to trick Christ into temping God to rescue him.
He endeavor to lure and entice the King of kings and Lord of Lord
By offering up a quick and easy way out God’s plan.
A miracle occurred for God’s son was wiser than the serpent
And did not try to be exalted above the Almighty.

Messiah’s arrived humbly on a donkey amidst the fickle praise of man.
He looked compassionately on those he came to save and wept
For they knew Him not and could not recognize Immanuel presence.
Satan saw his chance and deceived Judas into betraying him with a kiss.
The cup that now lay before Jesus was a bitter one to swallow.
The road that he faced was painful, full of sorrow and suffering.
He asked that it be removed, but bowed to His Father’s will.
This perfect holy sinless man agreed to take my sin and shame.
A miracle occurred for he remember my helpless estate
And considered it above his own rights and pleasure.

The Satan and his demons Sorrow and Suffering
Were drunk with joy for they had momentary victory
As the Messiah was nailed to the cross.
Sin and Shame pierce his hands and feet
While Death celebrated, his mighty battle won.
But a miracle occurred for Christ open wide his arms
And chose to stay on the cross for my sake
And said, “This is how much I love you.”
A miracle occurred for I now knew
The gift of love and just what it cost.

Satan’s carousing and revelry came to a sudden stop
When Jesus took the keys from Death’s hand
And open wide the prisons doors setting his captives free.
Too late Lucifer cried, “ What have I done! How did I lose?”
A miracle had occurred for God so loved the world
That he had given his only son.
The gift of life was mine, if I but opened it.
Death no longer was my cruel master.

Just as He had once come looking for lost sheep
I now came to seeking to find the shepherd’s body.
The two angels from God’s mercy seat
Now sat waiting at the head and foot
Of the slab that once held his body
And announced, “He is risen.”
The napkin that covered his face was
Folded neatly as if to say, “ I am coming back”
A miracle occurred for my bridge back
To God was finished and complete.

My debt had been paid in full, my sin forgiven.
My cold black heart melted at such love
Barely able to comprehend just what had happen.
I fell in awe at the wonder of it all.
At the mighty name of Jesus, I bowed my knee
And cried out for forgiveness and mercy.
My scarlet sins now wash a white as new fallen snow.
The angels that Christ held back at the cross
Were now blowing trumpets, and dancing in the streets
For a sinner had come home.
A miracle occurred for I was adopted as a child of God
Christ’s robe of righteousness placed on me
And I was giving me access to come once more before the Father.

He sent His Holy Spirit down as a mighty rushing wind
His grace and mercy encompassed my soul and sealing it forever.
A sacred fire fell down setting my heart ablaze with love
That I might share Him with others.
He sent a quiet voice to guide and teach me his ways
And a jealous spirit to pull me ever near to Him.
A miracle occurred for the Great I AM lives inside of me
And He fills me with His power and life though I deserve it not.

Soon He will return again for His bride
The signs say that the time is near
I looking with longing for my beloved
Eager once more to see his face
To hear His heart beat in unison with mine.
I desire to see Him in his full glory
With all the respect and honor that He deserves.
A miracle will occur that day for we will be in heaven.
Home forever more with all eternity to bask in His love
And Satan will know his finial defeat condemned forever to Hell.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 2-12-2010

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