Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Love, My Groom

I eagerly await You, my love.
Come close to me and lie down with me,
I long for You to be the first thing I see in the morning
And the last thing I see at night and every moment in between
For I cannot live without Your presences.
You are my life, my hope, my future.
My sweet, fill even my dreams with Your desires.
Your will and mine will be united as one.
Cause our bodies to be as one undistinguishable.
I do not want to know where one of us starts and the other stops.
Put Your mighty strong arms around me so tight
That if death and hell came against You
I know that You would never let me go.
Let my head rest upon your chest.
I want to hear your heartbeat.
I want to feel the passion that beats in it.
It heals my every wound and restores my soul.
It causes my heart to skip with joy and gladness.
Cause me to know the depth of Your love deep within my soul.
Let our hearts embrace in glorious praise.
I want to feel your breath on me
For You give life to me.
Caress me gently my groom.
Forgive my faults.
Your hands of compassion, they comfort me.
They are strong as an ox, yet soft as a dove.
From them flow goodness and blessing unsurpassed.
I want to look into your face
And see the joy, love and glory that shine from it.
Its light sets my soul ablaze with fire.
Let me look into Your eyes of love
That are deeper that the ocean
Wider that the heaven.

Eyes that tell me that I am prized
That I am desirable to my Lord.
May I be forever pleasing to Him.
Smile at me and let the ecstasy of Your glory fill my being.
For I wish to bring You pleasure and reflect Your holiness.
Tenderly kiss my lips with Your, sweeter than honey
And tell me that you love me enough even to die for me.
Whisper into my ear Your hopes and dreams
For I desire that they be mine also.
The words of life You speak, bring peace my troubled mind.
Let me be still and rest in Your pasture
Basking in Your loving-kindness and mercies.
I want to drink in all of you.
So that every part of me is filled to overflowing.
It is not enough that other have told me of your greatness
I must know for myself it splendor and grandeur
Its wisdom and its glory.
I devote my life to seeking all there is of You.
With all my heart with all my mind and soul until time itself ends
I will declare my love of You.
For I will never get enough of You, my King.
Christ come quickly for Your bride excitedly awaits You.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-19-09

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