Friday, May 7, 2010

A Mother's Love

A Mother’s love knows joy beyond her wildest dreams
When she looking into the face of newborn life
So very small, precious, and priceless.
A Mother’s heart knows pain and she willing to up give her own life
If it would cause her child to be free of pain.
A Mother can be wise or foolish but her hands shape the nations.
Sadly, some only curse the life they made and abandon it.
If she is wise, a mother’s lullabies teach God’s word
And her knees are bend in pray for her children
For as long as they have breathe it is not too late for them.

Eve was the first mother to know the joy of new life and the happiness it brings. She was also the first to know the sorrow of one child killing the other. Her mother’s heart would have been broken with pain. She still mourned for the lost of both.

Hannah cried before the Lord for years longing for a son that she could not bring forth. However, when Samuel was just a twinkle in her eye’s she faithful gave in back to the Lord her most prized gift. Are we willing to do the same?

Rebecca foolishly loved one son more than another and pitted Jacob against Esau.

Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin. What greater love could a mother have? He may never seen her face but she was always there watching over him.

Leah gave birth to one child after another hoping to win their father’s love.

Jochebed risk her life to save her son by placing him in God’s hand. The babe Moses live was spared by floated in a basket in the mighty Nile. He grew up to lead a nation with his brother Aaron, and sister, Miriam because of mother love and wisdom.

Mothers under Harold’s rule weep for children ripped from their arms and could not be comforted for they were no more. Today mothers likewise weep for those lost in war, to cancer, accidents, or abortions and would give anything for one more minute with them.

Abigail gave birth to Daniel only to have him led away as a captive prisoner. Did she see his return to power or him lying with loins?

Hagar was send away by her husband and abandon in the deserts. She pleaded with the Lord for Ishmael life and won his blessing.

Bathsheba was the adulterous woman yet her son Solomon sat upon the throne of David.

Rahab was harlot turned mother of Godly Boaz and great grandmother of Jesus.

Elizabeth gave birth in her later years to the greatest son born of woman John the Baptist. Just as Sarah gave birth in old age to Isaac.
Did she every wonder am I to old for this?

Mary mother of Jesus was able to see his miracle and wisdom. She would have been so proud. She also saw her child brutally murdered. What pain and loss she must have felt.

The Canaanite women beg Jesus to free her daughter from demon possession showing much faith and persistent to win her wish for her daughter to have a chance again at life.

The Shunem women trusted in the Prophet Elisha to bring her son back from the dead. She went riding at full speed to bring the healer to her son.

Salome not knowing what she was asking requested her son James and John to sit at Christ's right hand. Like most mother she wanted the best for her sons.

Eunice and her mother Lois taught Peter on their knees the love of God and raised a Godly man even with a father that was not a believer.

Maybe you recognize yourself or your mother.
Maybe you long to have a good mother
That was willing to say, “I love You, no matter what!”
God has a mother’s heart
He will love You, no matter what!
He died for you to have life.
He can heal and bind up all your wounds.
Like all mothers, He forgive His children.
He loves to give good gifts to His children.
Let him hold you in His arms of Love.
Let Him be a mother to you and teach you how to be a mother.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 5-6-2010

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