Friday, June 25, 2010

Eden, Paradise Lost

God cause the man to fall asleep and while asleep, he took from him a rib. With that rib, he formed me and I awoke into the wonderful presence of my creator. Both God and the man looked at me, said I was good, and they were well pleased with me. The man called himself Adam and named me, Eve. I was to be his helpmate and him my protection. Together we were to rule this paradise as one.
We lived in a beautiful garden full of plants and animals. Adam told me the names of every one. I loved spending time with him. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful. The ground was covered with beautiful stones of gold, onyx, and gems pleasing to the eye. All the plant supplied us with plenty of food to eat. We would often go from one tree to the next picking fruit and tasting it to see if it was sweet, tart, bitter, firm or juicy. Every time one of us found a new taste, we would share that fruit with the other. It was easy to take care of everything. We had only to speak and it would grow at our command.
In the cool of the evening God would walk with us and talk with us about our day. We would talk about how lovely the butterflies dance was, how silly and happy the lion and the lamb game of tag had been, and what the frog had told us about her day jumping around in the stream. We would tell him how much we loved Him and thanked Him for all that He had given us. He would tell us about the stars above, what the angels where doing, and how much he loved us. We could not wait to see each other. It was the perfect place to raise a family, a true paradise. Adam and I were so happy there. I did not know how much until we lost it.
The day started like so many other days had before. Adam and I had woke, eaten breakfast together and then gone for a long walk. He had gone off to see the newborn loin clubs and I had gone into a meadow to listen to the song of praise the birds where singing. I ended up under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil resting in it shade. This was a beautiful tree full of fruit that looked delicious and pleasing to me. I started to wonder what it would taste like. I know that God had told Adam that we should not eat from it for in that day we would surely die. He had told me and I knew better that to eat. I was not hungry and there was plenty of other things to eat, why did it fascinate me so much. I laid there for a long time looking up at that tree and wondering what was so special about it, for you see it was the only thing God had forbidden us. Adam had said it was to show God that we loved Him enough to do what He asks.
While I was resting there, a serpent came by and reclined against the tree next to me. He was a beautiful and wise creature. He asked if God had really said you may not eat from any tree in the garden as if God did not had right to say this is mine alone. I thought for a minute that he was right I should be able to eat this if I wanted, then dismissed the thought God made it. It was His to do with as He pleased. I wonder did He have a reason for doing so.
God had not told not me but Adam that we could not eat this but I did not want the serpent to know this. He might have thought me an afterthought and not as knowledgeable as he. So, I said, “We may eat of all the trees of the garden but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, but from it we may not eat or touch it or we will die.” I placed more restriction on me than God had wanting to sound like I knew more than he did. I wondered what it meant to die. Was it like the daylilies there blooms die at the end of the day only to open anew the next? Did it hurt? Did it last long?
The serpent then said, “You surely shall not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” I had never thought about being like God. He could do everything. I would like that kind of power. I wonder if I ate the fruit if I would truly be like Him knowing everything, seeing everything, being everywhere at once. Was that how the serpent was so wise? If I knew good and evil then I know better how to please God and Adam. This would be a good thing would it not?
The serpent point to a fruit hanging just above my head that looked like it was about to fall. Touch it, see it will not hurt you. I reached up and took it in my hand. Turning it over and over in my hand I studied it. He said see I told you it would not hurt you. God just does not want to share His power with you. That is why he told you not to taste. Take just one small bite. One bite could not hurt and you will see that I am right. Do this one small thing for me please. Therefore, I took a bite. He said see I told you. You are as wise as God or me. So, I took and gave to my husband also. I wanted him to be as please with me as the serpent. At first, he resisted but I plead with him to join me after all we were intended to be equals. Finial he got tired of my asking and took a bite to please me.
When he took that bite, everything changed and we saw ourselves as we were. We knew good and evil. Before we know only good, but now we knew pain, heartache, emptiness and fear. The serpent did not tell us that this would hurt. He lied to us, for I knew now what sin felt like. It was a black hole that sucked the life out of your body leaving you broken and sick without hope at the bottom of dark pit without light. And no matter how I tried I could not wash this film of evil from my skin or my mind. I could not get it to come off. I was aware now how much damage I had done. Before when we had looked at each other, it was in love and beautiful, now we were venerable to the other. I could see my sin and his. We hid our eyes from each other. We tried to cover our bodies with fig leaves. We did not want the other to behold our shame. Why did I listen to the serpent? God had never don’t anything that had hurt me or cause me pain. I had known only joy and pleasure in His presences.
We felt the breeze blowing in and we knew that God was coming. For the first time we felt apart from him and we did not wish to be in His presence. We had failed Him, disappoint Him, and disobey Him. We feared that He would no longer love us. We hid ourselves as best we could, but how do you hide from God? He called to us and asked where we were already knowing where we were and what we had done. He still wanted to spend time with His creation. Why else would He have come looking for us? He asked what we had done. Adam point at me and said she made me do it. Then he blamed God for his sin, for God had given me to him. I blamed the serpent for he had tricked me. The truth is we were both at fault and we knew it. We could not fix it so we did not want to admit it. How could we undo it? How could we make it right again?
God cursed first the serpent cause him to now crawl on his belly and eat the dust of the earth continually for his part. He cursed me in that now when I give birth I must endure pain. He cursed the earth that it would not be bountiful with food and life but would instead be full of thorns and thistles. He curse Adam so that only with hard labor and sweat could he provide for his family. He kept his promise that we would die and we could already feel our bodies growing old and tired. He ordered an angel to guard the tree of life that we might not eat of it for if we had there would have been no way back for us. He cursed the animals and for the first time they knew death because of man. No longer would they speak with us but ran in fear from us instead. He shed their blood to make a covering for Adam and me before driving us out of paradise.
We lost everything that day and gain nothing that we thought we would. Adam and I fought that day for the first time. Adam did not trust me as he had before because I had not listened to him. I had blamed him for not keeping the serpent away and not being a better teacher. We were both bitter with each other and were never quite the same again. I think the only reason that we slept together that night was from fear. We could not understand the animal’s voice and they seem mad at us. We woke the next day and had to hunt long and hard for food. We found enough to make our stomach stop growling but now knew what it meant to be hungry. Evening finial came and the blazing sun started down. We were so very lonely and a part of us was missing because God no longer walked with us. We did not know the peace and rest we had when He was there. We understood now what worry and trouble were. We cried ourselves to sleep sorry for all that, we had done for our eyes where truly open as we could see things as God had. We had failed to worship Him as the true and only God.

A few thousand years have passed, but not too much has changed. Just like Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” We all have a choice to sin or not. We all fail. It still has a price of death. It all starts with the same problem the eye and the I. We look at something until we say it is good and we have to have it. It may be the second piece of cake, the neighbor house, sex outside of marriage, pictures of abused kids or the almighty dollar. Next comes I deserve and I have a right to it. If it feels good then I should be able to do it. Pride, Greed and Selfishness still ruin lives.
We listen to the serpent lie that we can be God and we believe because we want to do so. He never speaks the whole truth. We still choose to worship other gods. No the first drink will must like not kill you, but the hundredth may find you in jail for DWI and dying of liver failure. Your first snort of cocaine could lead to your last. Love outside marriage may seem like it hurts no one until you look at divorce rate, kids without fathers, and AIDS victims’. Keeping up with the Jones may give you ulcers or heart attacks. Fitting into that size 0 dress may kill you. Bitterness and unforgiveness leads to cancer or depression. The jails are full and most knew that what they were doing was wrong. They chose to do it anyway.
We still like the blame game. If I had had better parents, if he had not hurt me, if I had known the outcome then I would have not done it. We are not responsible for what was done to us, but how we reacted to it. We are responsible for our actions. We want to say if we say I am sorry then somehow all punishment and consequence should go away. They don’t. If I run up the credit cards, the bills still follow me. If I abuse my child, she may not want to take care of me when I am old. The courts may find me guilty and sentence me to jail. If I fail to read, to study, to listen to God’s plan and obey it, I may find myself kicked out of heaven and into a hell of my own choosing.Like Adam and Eve, life eventually force us to admit that we are not God, we are not all knowing, we are not all powerful, and we are able to wash off the stench of sin.
We still try to add to His word and worship with our many rules and regulations that he did not bind to us. You can’t wear cowboy boots in church or say amen without two committee hearing and a church wide vote.
Just like with Adam and Eve, God still come looking for us knowing all that we have done. He still forgives, and gives us life again. However, it comes at the price and blood of His only Son and only to those who earnestly acknowledge and turn away their sin. He still offers a precious gift of fellowship to any that seek Him, He still longs to walk through the garden hand in hand.

Kathy Barnes
Copyright 6-25-10

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