Monday, July 5, 2010

I see

I see the stars hanging high above me extending unto ends of time
And I know that is how much more God’s thought’s are above mine.
I see the flowers of the valley painted lovingly by Your brush
They have beauty and awesome wonder enough to make anyone blush.
I see volcano rise up full of great power and unstoppable might
And I stand in awe that by the power of Your word You made the night.
I see all the plants and animals that with love you wove together
Each one prized, different, special and unique unlike any other.
I see life so abundant and free playing a game of tag among the reefs
And I know that You want me to be joyful and free of all grieves.
I see the many grains of sand stretched across the ocean floor
And I am aware just how many blessing you would lay at my door.
I see the magnificent mountain tall and proud lift their eyes to You
And fall down to the valley bowing in shame before the glory of You.
I see the angels worshiping before the light of Your righteousness
And I can’t begin to comprehend Your glory and Your holiness.
I see the brilliant sunrise and dance against the sky calling a new day.
It calls to us to look up toward heaven as if saying this is the way.
I see the nails that pierced and old rugged cross upon a lonely hill
And there they stuck the heart and hand of the one who paid my bill.
But for the life of me I cannot see why you would love one such as me.
Knowing full well that I and I alone deserved to be upon that tree.
I see love spilled out beyond my wildest dreams, and all reason
And for that, I will forever love you no matter what the season.

Kathy Barnes

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